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I am still getting dbus error after uninstall and reinstall anything else I needed to do?
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Originally Posted by epage View Post
[*](Advanced Users Only): A new line "notifier" in the [alarm] section of "~/.dialcentral/settings.ini" has been added. Blank means it uses the built in notifier anything else and that will be called for notifications. To change the notifier close Dialcentral, change the notifier, re-open and toggle off/on notifications.
What's the proper syntax?

notifier = /home/user/ doesn't seem to work where (for now) contains one line: /usr/bin/mplayer /usr/share/sounds/sms.mp3
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Originally Posted by Clockwork View Post
Another question. Can you makes new contact from dial central?
Right now, I'd say no. But maybe in the future versions. Right now you'll have to go to GV webpage interface for that. You can add to your "All Contacts"which is locally saved. But not through DC...just go to contacts from built in client.
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I have a few user interface issues with Dialcentral that I've decided to hunt down and fix. Victim #1: In the messages tab, long SMS and voicemail text rolls offscreen and is impossible to read. Double-clicking will bring you to a popup with a tiny scrollbar that makes reading texts also near impossible.

The fix? Two lines of python.

Add these directly below "textrenderer = gtk.CellRendererText()" found on line 840 in

This makes the lines on the messages tab auto-wrap to the full-screen size, making it possible to read the entire message. WOW!

Hopefully epage will acknowlegde my hackery and add it to the new releases. Until some other stuff gets changed* I'm staying with 10.4-2. You'd probably be better off waiting till he adds it in unless you are also using 10.4-2 (the last version before notification support, which broke alarmd).

*sound notification support, auto-load GV contacts(why select drop-down every time??), text size on contacts/recent list bigger (more thumb-friendly)

Oh and btw, a nice shortcut to call numbers via Google Voice is so:
change my number for your own and make bookmarks. As of now, a bookmark is more convenient than the tiny text size on DC's contact list.
~Nokia n810 OS Diablo 5.2008.43-7~ my (old 770) hax:

Last edited by gogol; 2009-08-19 at 09:52.
Posts: 384 | Thanked: 90 times | Joined on Mar 2008
The alarmd issue has been fixed: upgrade to the latest version with no fear after following the steps linked to above.
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I need sound notifications, and the version I have doesn't mess with gv-notifier. I'll wait for 1.05.
~Nokia n810 OS Diablo 5.2008.43-7~ my (old 770) hax:
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Victim #2: Contacts list difficult to click with finger.

Add this line right around 976 (give or take) underneath
textrenderer =gtk.CellRendererText() :
Easy enough. Now each contact has a thumb-sized area it occupies.
~Nokia n810 OS Diablo 5.2008.43-7~ my (old 770) hax:
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Originally Posted by gogol View Post
I need sound notifications, and the version I have doesn't mess with gv-notifier. I'll wait for 1.05.
v1.04-5 can give you any kind of notification you want: just see if you can figure out the syntax.
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Originally Posted by st5150 View Post
v1.04-5 can give you any kind of notification you want: just see if you can figure out the syntax.
/usr/bin/dbus-send --print-reply /com/nokia/osso_media_server string:file:///user/share/sounds/sms.mp3
that is all one huge dbus-send command.

..and, rereading your post, my guess is your script wasn't chmod a+x 'ed. But I've never seen the .ini so its just a guess.
~Nokia n810 OS Diablo 5.2008.43-7~ my (old 770) hax:

Last edited by gogol; 2009-08-19 at 10:45.
Posts: 384 | Thanked: 90 times | Joined on Mar 2008
It was even 777'd !
I really need to look into how dbus works.

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