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Posts: 133 | Thanked: 8 times | Joined on Aug 2007 @ SF, CA
Hi, why not try media converter. Its really easy, has settings for N800, and is fast to convert files so they run on an IT. I use it for my DVDs, so I cant but sure it will work on your movies, but it should. Link is in the wiki.
Posts: 152 | Thanked: 32 times | Joined on Dec 2007 @ CA
Shannon, While I am waiting for my new N810 to be delivered, I do currently have the N770 and after hours, feels like days, of effort I found a way that seems to always work. I use Nero's Recode (v7) to convert all types of video. I use their "Portable" setting. Have no problem getting everything I have tried to work....just un-check the "fit to target" setting and go for it. I have the stock player and mplayer...



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