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lilavati's Avatar
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Originally Posted by TabletHacker View Post
Well perhaps I should have defined Snarky. Snarky is being a Smart A55. I thought that nice little girl from Poland was being snarky, some might say cheeky

Her tone was like Duh! you *****, where do you think you are, just go read. While this forum has two years of threads and I just thought I would ask what do you like about your tablet, I am sick of all the crying about how bad it is? Anyway I specifically asked a question to which only nosam has addressed. Either way I hold no ill will, I do not mean snarky as a bad thing, my kids are snarky all the time
Are you calling me "A55" and "nice little girl" at once? Nvm anyway.

My tone meant to say "how do you think a topic about N different subjects at once is gonna go?". This would be a huuuuge mess! Plus, there are already topics answering your questions, so let's keep it clean and post there.
You have the "What's on your 770 and why" topic for the must-haves. You have the "First 10 things to do after buying" topic. There is the whole board dedicated to games.
I'm not saying you're a *****, but I am asking you to respect the posting rules. If you're not new here, you should know whereto post what.

The youth nowadays...
TabletHacker's Avatar
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Originally Posted by lilavati View Post
Are you calling me "A55" and "nice little girl" at once? Nvm anyway.

My tone meant to say "how do you think a topic about N different subjects at once is gonna go?". This would be a huuuuge mess! Plus, there are already topics answering your questions, so let's keep it clean and post there.
You have the "What's on your 770 and why" topic for the must-haves. You have the "First 10 things to do after buying" topic. There is the whole board dedicated to games.
I'm not saying you're a *****, but I am asking you to respect the posting rules. If you're not new here, you should know whereto post what.

The youth nowadays...
OK, so do you think you were being snarky? hehe

OK, to be fair, I called you a smart a55 . I never called you an A55. Where I come from everyone is a smart a55 and it is not meant disrespectfully, but being called an a55 is totally different. I meant no disrespect, perhaps my sense of humor is not as funny as I think . I was asking people thier opinion about what they liked, this is opion only and not meant to be a usefull topic yeilding tons of technical information. Opinions change, new people come to the forum, I see nothing wrong with my topic.

Perhaps I just need to end stop now. Sincere Apologies to all who find me offensive.

OK, how about I answer my own question. I like using KDE, maemo-mapper is the best mapping program for linux period, I am still waiting for a port for my laptop, mplayer is an absolute must.
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i find that i surf the net too much with my n800. just to think i used to fire my laptop up all the time to just use the net.
The only app i use regularly is microb. mainly for email.
Posts: 16 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Dec 2007 @ Tampa, FL
Here's my two cents, I love Rhapsody to listen to music and mplayer for movies. Favorite game is bomberman and marbles. Something else I like are the speakers on the n800 so I don't have to use headphones all the time.

Last edited by mart1928; 2007-12-29 at 00:48.
technut's Avatar
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Originally Posted by TabletHacker View Post
As I said this is my first post as Tablet Hacker, its not my first post
Thread title says otherwise:
"New ITT Member, whats fun to do?"

Why are you trying to pass yourself off as a newbie in this forum area if, as you say, you are already running KDE?

What is your objective in taking on a new persona here?

There are very few good reasons to change. Are you with Nokia marketing trying to start some viral thread about how good the tablet is?

Or perhaps you were already a "persona non grata". Looks like you're getting back there, quickly, with your snarky a55 remark etc.

Welcome, newbie.
Please follow these simple posting guidelines.
There are no stupid questions, just people who didn't search itT (with Google) first.
TabletHacker's Avatar
Posts: 6 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Dec 2007 @ cyberspace
Originally Posted by technut View Post
Thread title says otherwise:
"New ITT Member, whats fun to do?"

Why are you trying to pass yourself off as a newbie in this forum area if, as you say, you are already running KDE?

Because any newbie can install and run KDE

So I ask again, whats fun to do.

Whats is your favorite things to do with your tablet
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I Squeak

LOL! I had to add this otherwise my post would be "too short". Really, I ask you, if "I am" is the shortest sentence (in English anyways) surely "I Squeak" should be acceptable? Answers on a postcard please to "Anywhere But Here" :-)))

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