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Originally Posted by gesteves
I don't recall it making any sounds when I put the cover with the previous version.
Mine's always made a kind of whooshing sound (sorry, that's the best way I can describe it) when closing the cover.
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Originally Posted by jayholler
is anyone seeing any benefit to using this image?
Yes, as the other one already mentioned. Opera works just beatifully now. I tried all the most bloated sites i could find.,,, (finnish irc-user website). All of them loaded really nicely, no hickups, and yes, without the swap addon

Of course, things might be because the os is new, there isnt nothing to choke the OS.

One problem i found when browsing, the page does something funny and it loads about 10 flash ads in at the bottom, this doesnt happen with firefox with me. So i guess opera renders the page wrong or then the web-page tries to do something funny.

I did my testing with using Wlan and Linksys router. No problems setting that up. I even listened music and browsed the web with multiple browser windows open at the same time without any problems.

Although, with 3 windows open (with heavy web-pages) and music playing i got a mention that memory is low. But i think that's pretty nice still
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Anyone notice if the opera browser version changed? Does it now load Google Calendar? lol
Reggie Suplido
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Originally Posted by Reggie
Anyone notice if the opera browser version changed? Does it now load Google Calendar? lol
Conserning the opera, i dont know where to dig up the version info, and the flash is still version 6 i believe.

So no, nor any of google's special services (calendar etc).
Posts: 333 | Thanked: 7 times | Joined on Dec 2005
Er...I don't see any improvements so far. I did experience the annoying sound when you close the case, the sound only comes on if you had internet connection. I guess this sound verifies that your internet connection has been terminated. Before mine didn't do that.

I don't see what's so hard about listing what the update to the OS is, what's up with Nokia. If we know what it is we can better decided if we want to update the OS or not.
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Try the PDF viewer. It's dramatically faster.

My test pdf file, which in previous versions took about 40 seconds to switch a page, takes now about 3 seconds...
Posts: 51 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Nov 2005 @ Midlands, UK
Originally Posted by NokNok770
Er...I don't see any improvements so far. I did experience the annoying sound when you close the case, the sound only comes on if you had internet connection. I guess this sound verifies that your internet connection has been terminated. Before mine didn't do that.
Mine did. I was on the latest release. Both the sound and a wifi/BT connection had to be turned on.

If those were both on, then closing the case resulted in a descending wooshy sound.

I seem to recall that this happened on previous releases - perhaps you've not had the sound on so much with previous releases? Don't know /why/ this would have been the case ... :-)

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Originally Posted by forge
Of course, things might be because the os is new, there isnt nothing to choke the OS.
I've got to disagree with you here - I really haven't found that the 770 slows down with age at /all/. Yes, there's the "/var/log/wtmp/" issue, but nothing else I can recall.

Ooo - can anyone with the new version check the size of /var/log/wtmp? Close&open the case a few times then re-examine it - has it grown at all?

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Anyone else having problems with their desktop-clock-plugin and clock application? The desktop plugin is off by 3 hours, and the application doesn't adjust the time according to the selected city, allthough time and timezone are set correctly.
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Originally Posted by jaycee
I've got to disagree with you here - I really haven't found that the 770 slows down with age at /all/. Yes, there's the "/var/log/wtmp/" issue, but nothing else I can recall.

Ooo - can anyone with the new version check the size of /var/log/wtmp? Close&open the case a few times then re-examine it - has it grown at all?


I just tried it, i have the newest OS and only xchat + x terminal installed. And i found that they have turned everything that logs anything off.

There isn't any log files in /var/log. So atleast this is resolved.

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