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Originally Posted by sindown View Post
My question is there a max for how much virtual memory you can add...
Yes, 128 MB.

(At least, that's the limit through the friendly, graphical settings in the control panel. Someone who knows Linux and really wanted to add more could do so from the command line. There's little reason to do so though.)

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Originally Posted by sjgadsby View Post
Yes, 128 MB.

(At least, that's the limit through the friendly, graphical settings in the control panel. Someone who knows Linux and really wanted to add more could do so from the command line. There's little reason to do so though.)
If one has a 16GB card, what is the disadvantage of setting more than 128MB(say 1GB) as virtual memory? by the way, would you show the command that would set the memory? I am a noob in training:-)

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Originally Posted by cheve View Post
If one has a 16GB card, what is the disadvantage of setting more than 128MB(say 1GB) as virtual memory? by the way, would you show the command that would set the memory? I am a noob in training:-)
There is no real disadvantage, but there's also no real advantage, either. Truth is, you wont use even 128MB most of the time.

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