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if going for a bluetooth keyboard, make very sure that it has support for the HID profile.

some cheap ones only support SPP, requiring a special driver on the device itself for the keyboard to work...
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Actually no, I am trying to get a USB based because I don't want to deal with batteries and exactly what you said. I was looking at the Grandtec that it folds, do you know anything about it
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Originally Posted by searcher View Post
Thanks for the link and pix. Am I correct in assuming that you roll it when you pack it, and if so how does it work for you to unroll it and then use it. Do you have put something heavy for a while or? I like that it can withstand spills, and anything on top something handy for traveling including dust.

Another thing which version did you order Ipaq or Palm
I checked their website and I like their prices, you still had to get the f to f adapter right?
When you unroll it, it goes flat. It doesn't seem to keep its rolled shape like a piece of paper would. So pretty much you can start using it right away. Yes, you still need the f to f adapter. I purchased the keyboard from a Tiger Direct retail store. The keyboard is a Grand Tec brand. I've seen lots of these around at various electronic stores, so they shouldn't be hard to find, online or retail.
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as I posted over on your thread on tabletscene - my BT keyboard seems to last forever on a single AAA battery, and in any case they're very easy to come by. And not a problem to carry either. If you bring two you can probably hack away in the jungle for a year or two.
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For what it's worth, I also have the iGo Bluetooth keyboard, and I have changed the battery in it once and owned it since April. I don't think it even NEEDED to be changed when I did change it.

I'd actually be kinda curious to see what kind of draw a USB keyboard has on the power of the N800 and how that affects battery life as compared to using Bluetooth.

Granted, those roll up keyboards can be a better bargain. I have seen them in Staples for about $10 (Omnitech Flexible Keyboard, $9.98 - you can see an image at but I am not finding the product in their online inventory, strangely!) Hopefully you find what you're looking for!
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The batteries in my iGo need replacing once every 6 months.
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Thanks Guy,

I appreciate all the feedback. I am leaving on a trip Dec 8 so I need to make a move ASAP. I am excited going through TSA w/o a darn laptop..... but would like to have a keyboard.


I'm glad to hear that the keyboard can be use as soon as it gets rolled out. I have gone to a couple of stores and they don't have it. I also would like to know from you which f to f adaptor did you get? There are two types one has a regular rectangular shape and the other is a bit different. Please let me know. Also, let me know if you had to install and use the USB Control or just plug and play

Yes, thanks I already answered your reply at tablescene. Do you know if I could use any wireless keyboard or just Igo.


Thanks, you are right I checked their website and there is nothing, where did you find the link you sent me


The iGo keyboards are very hard to get, so I'm wondering if any wireless keyboards for PDAs would work
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Originally Posted by qole View Post
I would love to know how that works out for you, from shipping to actual use.
i'll let you know. L0cutus says it works fine, though he had to manually map some of the keys:
he also posted pics of the kb with his n800 in that thread.
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To get local FM stations, tap on the icon that looks like a piece of paper with a music note on it. That opens a new large window. Tap the icon in the bottom right-hand corner, a piece of paper with a microphone and a green down arrow. That opens a dialog for downloading station lists. Go through the menus, giving it your continent, country, state, city, etc. It will download a list of all radio station for the area.
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I had to make several phone calls since Staples didn't recognize the Omnitec keyboard. Well, it's a new product going on sale. So they were able to confirmed that the local stores had in stock. This is not a mini keyboard is a full size and has num keys.

I went today and they had in 3 colors, pink, light blue and black for an amazing price of $9.98. If any of you are interested you better hurry cuz they won't last.

The problem now is trying to find the USB f t f adaptor. Does anyone has a spare that could sell me one. I'm on the West Coast.


I couldn't see any pics of the kb hooked up to the N800, besides No parlare Italiano, solamente parlare Inglesa


Thanks, I watch the tutorial video and was very helpful. I learned a lot and scanned and found all the local stations. I also learned that I could do the same where ever I travel to.

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