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Originally Posted by GeraldKo View Post
How do you bookmark a javascript?
Just add a blank bookmark. Then go to bookmarks and right click on the about:blank bookmark> properties. In the location tab put this code and save it.
Just put that bookmark in the bookmark toolbar in mozilla and go to the youtube page with HD video. After u are on that page just click that bookmark and u should see a download file prompt.

Hope that helps. If you want i can give the code for the others to... HQ and regular flv.
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Originally Posted by BrentDC View Post
Because the former is illegal and the latter presumably just against Google policies[1].

But it's true, they are ethically equal.

[1] I am not a lawyer, just like playing one on the Internet
Both are illegal. You are stealing music. For example, if I hold a tape recorder to a stereo system playing a radio station, I am preforming an illegal activity. But who really cares...

Personally, I hate using these webportals to download youtube. You can use the JavaScript, but I use a Greasemonkey script called YouTube Perfect. It allows for Flash, Mp4, and download.
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Originally Posted by Asterixnz View Post
Just out of curiousity....does this cache just keep building and building until the above is done or does it clear itself at some point. It seems like you could fill a card pretty fast with lots of youtube if it just keeps building. Thank you again.
You're welcome, I'm glad to return the favor in the spirit that the ITT/TMO community gave me so much help.

Concerning the cache -- I remember wondering the same thing, and then looking for a cache purge in the menu, but finding none. So I delete the cache manually, every now and then, since I use mplayer quite often and that simple gui reminds me.

The .flv files from youtube are pretty small, as videos go, ("ls -lhR" shows around 10M each for the ones currently in my N800, (7.7M to 12.7M)), so it's no biggie to delete every few months, depending on how much you use it.


Last edited by Justjoe; 2009-06-10 at 03:07.
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Originally Posted by Thesandlord View Post
Limewire is a fish in a basket...
A fish with AIDS in a basket full of crabs...
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I put "mytube cache" in the tag section, please add whatever you might use in a forum search, if it's different than that, to add some utility to this thread.

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Originally Posted by Thesandlord View Post
Both are illegal. You are stealing music. For example, if I hold a tape recorder to a stereo system playing a radio station, I am preforming an illegal activity. But who really cares...

Personally, I hate using these webportals to download youtube. You can use the JavaScript, but I use a Greasemonkey script called YouTube Perfect. It allows for Flash, Mp4, and download.
Eh, there has been plenty of discussion about this on the internet; uploading copyrighted material to YT is probably illegal, but downloading content is neither black nor white legally.

There is no US law that says you can watch YouTube videos but not save them (and, remember, often times the copyright holder uploads the content).

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Originally Posted by shootermcgaven2 View Post
I am now getting my music from and im happy with the quality/selection there. and u can listen to it before you dl. its free. lots of people are now listing to music on youtube.

youtube videos are now in highquality.. to see any youtube video in High Quality add "&fmt=18" to the end of the URL


Now you have an mp4 video file. I convert mine to digital auto MP4 files with nero burning rom witch is about 3-4 times bigger than an mp3. you can convert them to mp3's if you think space is more important than sound quality
Since February, Youtube encodes audio in its videos for all formats but "HD" in 128 kbit AAC. HD gets 232 kbit.

That's decent (128 kbit AAC is usually considered equivalent to 160-192 kbit MP3), but hardly "very high quality".

Any further reencodes you may or have to do will not increase the quality.

edit: Apologies, I didn't see the timestamp on the original post.

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