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Posts: 71 | Thanked: 12 times | Joined on Jan 2007 @ Dubai, UAE
Would be great if Nokia would update their multimedia sync tool (on Mac for iTunes and iPhoto) to add wifi as a channel. It works nice over Bluetooth and USB but Bluetooth is just too slow when update is in tens of megabytes.

Sadly MM sync does not even support n900 right now.
Maybe community will fix this before Nokia in some other way
Posts: 515 | Thanked: 193 times | Joined on Oct 2009
Brainstorm chat here if anyones interested/got any ideas
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Originally Posted by chrisp7 View Post
Unlikely, but thought Id ask - does the N900 sync music over wifi? If not wouldnt this be a a useful feature in general - ie faster general syncing and a generally 'easier' experience. Im rather surprised this hasnt been implemented in media players/phones thus far.
I install Grsync and Openssh Client in N900, then i can do old rsync over ssh trick:

rsync --rsh=ssh -r -h --progress --size-only hetiuser@'/Users/hetiuser/Music/iTunes/iTunes\ Music/Music/' /media/mmc1/Music

Copy my Itunes (in Mac enable ssh services) music to N900 memory card.

If you dont like type password there is ssh-keygen and ssh-copy-id commands.

There is also Desktop Command Execution Widget, so press a button you can sync your's music with Mac (Never try this my self).

Good luck

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