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Nokia isn't even allowed to sell the N900 if they don't translate the UI and manual into Turkish as far as I recall.
A Turkish localisation would also b eappreciated by the ~10 million Turks living in West Europe (me, for example)
I'm not expecting a localisation, though. As the N97 is selling pretty well in Turkey as far as I know.

Last edited by Arif; 2009-11-11 at 18:37.

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why n900 not come in turkey.I don't understand
Posts: 296 | Thanked: 47 times | Joined on Oct 2009
It's not allowed to be sold in Turkey right now unfortunately
Hope Nokia Turkey stops being lazy and translates/adds input support asap so I can buy it :P
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i am so sorry for my language....with my english i can not talk.
türkei ein land mit mehr als 75 millonen einwohner wird von nokia nicht mit dem entsprechendem wissen über das land verwaltet.
das marketing in der türkei ist mangelhaft.
das wissen über die verbraucher ist nicht richtig dargestellt
ein land wo laufend mobil telefone gekauft werden und der andrang gross ist ein neues telefon zu kaufen was neu auf dem markt ist.
also wo nokia seine ware gut verkaufen kann!!
nicht nur in der türkei leben menschen die türkisch sprechen sondern auf der ganzen weld.
also welche marketigchefs sind so einsichtslos das sie das aus den augen lassen.
meiner meinung nach muss nokia das n900 in der türkei auf den markt bringen auch mit türkischer menüführung.
sonst entgeht nokia ein grosser teil vom kuchen.
also wer auf das gelg verzichten kann und will kann ich nur sagen das ich das finnische unternehmen nicht klug finde.
ich lebe in deutschland und habe das n900 bestellt aber ich will das türkische menü haben was nun NOKIA??????????
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Welcome kcakkol... errr wilkommen.

I will leave replying to someone who speaks German.
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Folks, you completely hijacked the thread from the announcement of availability of the user guide to "Turkish not supported".
"Congrats". If there was a Thumbs-Down, I'd give it.
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Originally Posted by Andre Klapper View Post
Folks, you completely hijacked the thread from the announcement of availability of the user guide to "Turkish not supported".
"Congrats". If there was a Thumbs-Down, I'd give it.
Sorry about that, can a moderator please split this thread into two threads?
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Originally Posted by gecebekcisi View Post
...can a moderator please split this thread into two threads?
It is done.

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Strange laws from a western perspective, indeed. I never knew about them. It's certainly something they'd have to change if they'd seriously wanted to join the EU (which I doubt meanwhile).

OTOH, we're not here to judge but to find solutions. We will not find a solution for a Nokia marketing decision based on whatever factors we don't know.
But the community can provide a Turkish UI and even several Turkish keyboard variants for the onscreen-kbd to make the N900 more enjoyable for those Turkish speaking people who live in countries with more liberal laws. (Or to make it more attractive to import the device to Turkey.)

Once a framework is in place, you could use the standard mechanisms already in place to translate third party software.

I realize there's more ppl than I thought here who speak Turkish as their first language. If one of them could just set up a project and do the coordination work, I'm sure it could be done in relatively short time. Sooner than MMS-support, I'd guess.

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Despite the law is open to many questions, you're right, we're not here to judge but to find solutions.

I'd really love to lead a translation project but I don't have needed resources at the moment. How can we obtain the strings that needs to be translated?

And for Nokia marketing decision.. I heard (from a Turkish guy claiming that he attended Maemo summit and talked with someone from Nokia) that people at Nokia HQ don't have any realistic information about Turkish market. I believe that and I think it's their Turkey office's fault.

There was a time you could hardly see anyone buying any brands except Nokia in Turkey, but Samsung became the leader now. Why? As I said in #9 post, Nokia Turkey's marketing division is simply dummy (and other brands took advantage of it). Just because they can't report back "We could sell Y units but sold X, because we weren't efficient enough while marketing", so they probably report "We sold X units and we did our best, sorry" and mislead. I am telling all those off-topic stuff just to wake Nokia HQ up, in case someone reads this thread one day. So sorry for OT talk.

PS: Today I've seen someone selling his preordered N900 (to be shipped when it arrives to him) and the price was 1950 TL ($1320/€890) at the last time I checked. Shocked?
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