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Aranel's Avatar
Posts: 301 | Thanked: 227 times | Joined on Nov 2009 @ Turkey
1) Maemo 5. I'm a Linux lover ofc
2) Great UI. Yeah, its a ridiculous reason, but its cool =)
3) AIO Features. It includes Front/Rear cam, GPS, Phone, 3G etc.
4) Hardware power. My Nokia N96 was 233mhz and Symbian :/ N900 is much better.
5) I want to try a touchscreen phone first time.
Posts: 518 | Thanked: 160 times | Joined on Dec 2009
- Was looking for better browsing experience, coming from Motorola Q.

- DROID's reception issues, lack of simultaneous voice/data, lack of global roaming, had me looking elsewhere.

- Hardware specs, form factor is "best of breed" for me, right now.

- Wanted device with history of decent SIP client.

- Wanted access to multimedia (XM/ web house-techno station, etc) via Flash sites now, instead of "mid-2010?"...but not really working out w/900.

- Didn't like Google's "all knowing eye" all over my DROID, and my personal info, just to get phone's full benefits/features.

- TV Out, to connect to car's in-dash HU, for Slingmobile/HAVA display.

- $10/mo 3G/3.5G data plan.
Posts: 303 | Thanked: 175 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ London UK
Like nokia firsts.. 7110, first WAP phone, 7650 first Symbian phone, 7710 first touch screen phone S90, 5800 first touch screen S60, 770 first Maemo..

Symbian is tied down.. hidden files, DRM, signed binaries.. nothing that helps ME.. I loved the 770, n800 and n810.. Each time myself and many friends said if Nokia made a tablet that was a phone we'd be bashing down doors to get one..

Got one.. not sorry.. loving the new experience! even if it is a bit beta in places, it's all part of the fun!
Banned | Posts: 291 | Thanked: 42 times | Joined on Dec 2009
I got mine because I got a new car (Toyota) and its navigation system didn't work with my N95 8GB's bluetooth. Now the N900 does work with it. I spend a lot of time in the car and in Ontario they passed a new law recently mandating hands-free.
mikec's Avatar
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Wanted something to browse this Forum all day on. Cant think of a better mobile browser at the moment.
benny1967's Avatar
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I liked (and still like) the pre-Fremantle versions of Maemo. Got a 770 (broken), two N800s and an N810. I knew from reading the specs that the N900 couldn't be my phone, and I knew that I would need to keep the N810 for its screen size (and the N800s for playing with Mer ...), but I needed to know how far Nokia would take the idea. I'm still totally surprised to see a major company as Nokia developing such a sophisticated device based on free software... based on the very same GNU/Linux software that powers my laptop and my PC. There's nothing like it on the market (well, there was OpenMoko...), and I just had to have it.

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Simply put, Nokia. I knew from early on that this devices was going to be on bleeding edge and *WE* would be suffering from it's teething & screaming infantile stages. Regardless, it is still a sweet device and my purchase mean I planned to let it grow up.

I upgraded from a N96 and the keyboard/touchscreen combo is joy.

Last week I had my first chance to ssh'd into work production machine during holiday party at a bar to restart a few processes. It was confirmed that this device would be another step in freeing me from the desk.

Plus, just could not drink the iPhone purple koolaid that everyone else has.

* Will pray that some 3rd party vendor produces a bulk-battery back-cover to simply put bed power issues. But for now I have a have a 2nd battery and still have no need to use it...
Posts: 176 | Thanked: 40 times | Joined on Nov 2009
Originally Posted by Diavoli View Post
I got an N900 so I can make fun of people with their Iphone's.

because it's the best phone money can buy...

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Because it's the closest thing to what I want. I don't believe that Nokia will ever make a 4-5" resistive scrreen tablet again. So instead of waiting for the next best thing, I bought it.
*Consumer*, not a developer! I apologize for any inconvenience.
My script to backup /home and /opt
Samsung Galaxy S Vibrant, Huawei S7, N900(retired), N800(retired)

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EmmaGx's Avatar
Posts: 194 | Thanked: 207 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Bristol, UK
Originally Posted by Jack6428 View Post
1) My N70 was almost dead.
2) I wanted a new phone for some time.
3) The N900 does everything i wanted lol.
Firstly ... Very glad I'm not the only person moving from an n70 to an n900 ... most early n900 owners seem to be moving from really pretty sophisticated phones already!

... secondly if I'm going to be spending a lot of money on a phone then I really want to be happy with it ... and not have too many compromises ...

I wanted a smart phone with a really good browsing experience ... I love the net and like to stay connected ... and twitter through SMS was getting silly for me ... this way I can keep up with forums, social networking and IMing wherever ...

I was also without an MP3 player ... and didn't want to be tied to iTunes ... so the external drive type connection this has is perfect for me ... I also like that the FM transmitter's is inbuilt ...

GPS was another factor ... I'm hoping eventually I'll be able to use the phone as a SatNav ...and in the mean time at least I can find out where I am even if it won't actively direct me there!

I'm a huge fan of pretty things and customising things to be the way I want ... and am hoping to make my own themes as soon as there's windows support on the theme maker ... in the mean time being able to organise my desktops to the way I work is keeping me very happy ...

I also wanted a physical keyboard ... onscreen just isn't enough ... although the one on this is very useful ...

... I'm not getting fabulous battery life at the moment ... but I like that I can get a spare if I find it's necessary ...

Although I'd never really considered the advantages of TV out on a phone I can already see it'll have it's uses, especially since I already record lots of telly to my puter ...

I don't think I use technology in a typical way ... I'm very keen on making my technology work for me, and not being stuck with having to work around my technology ... it's there to make my life easier, and I feel there are fewer limitations on the n900 that will bug me than on other options ...

... basically I really wanted everything from the iphone without it's limitations ... and I'm hoping the n900 will be that!

none of, your business

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