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I'm on a Mac, I'll never leave the posix compliant environment, I've been on OS X / Linux for 7 years or something.

I'm using iTunes, and how I transfer music is simply to right click on the music I want, select Show in finder, drag and drop it to my N900. I need to select a track to get the show in finder option, and I usually copy whole artist discography. But I would LOVE for my N900 to show up inside iTunes, and the album art does not work like on my iPhone or in iTunes(this could be fixed with an update to the media player that allows for searching for album art in more than the one place its doing now).
I needed to install codec support on my N900 for apple lossless to be read.
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Posts: 204 | Thanked: 75 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Norway
Originally Posted by dmj726 View Post
Actually, the best services are the ones that will work with any device, and don't depend on continued operation of a server somewhere and the maintenance of a specific client program.
Oh really? I disagree, If the service is best and if its cross platform is two completely different factors. For instance, some people say Hulu is the best streaming site, though I have yet to try it because it requires that your ip is from the US. It can still be better even though they don't allow us Norwegians.
Posts: 148 | Thanked: 92 times | Joined on Oct 2009
More accurately, being cross platform is one major contributing factor to being a good service.

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