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Originally Posted by DarkPand0r View Post
- Poor 3G
- Google product....
- Poor support
- Many S/W problems
- Many complaints
Nexus One is made by HTC, just Google branded and have Android on it, no difference than other Andorid phone.
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Personally, I'm very impressed with the Droid I'd purchased. It's certainly done a lot more incredible and enjoyable things than I've seen anyone go on about in the forums.

I have excellent navigation, my phone features are excellent, visual voice mail is excellent, the screen is very excellent, the available library of applications is enormous and I can STILL hack it if I'd wanted to (rooting) but I specifically do not want to do that to what I depend on as my phone (hence why I never wanted an N900 and preferred an Internet Tablet) but I've been surprised with the number of things I can do with it that I never needed to be root to do after all. I can even script little doodads in my favorite script languages (like Python or BASH without rooting)!

I still want a hackable little computer to play with, but the N900 will certainly not be it due to the higher cost to lower features ratio.

As for the Nexus One, I have to admit that I think I would have prefered it over my Android. I personally don't like/need a slide-out keyboard.. and the DROID keyboard is terrible. I also prefer its styling and sleek thin body over the Droid phone. All that being said, however, I prefer to avoid GSM network technology for a lot of reasons.. but they do have a Verizon CDMA version in the works, which I'll prefer. I'll likely give my Droid to my mom at that point.

But like colnago said, it's really a personal preference based on what you need... those were my particular preferences and rationales. Your mileage may vary.

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mrebanza's Avatar
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Here are the full specs for both the Nokia N900 vs Nexus One

Here are the basic highlights

Where the Nokia N900 Really Shines ~

*~The Speed of the Nokia N900 is faster for the 3G Data Connections . . . 7 Mbps on the Nexus vs 10 Mbps on the Nokia

*~Built in Stereo Speakers on the Nokia vs a single speaker phone on the Nexus One

*~32GB Hard Drive Built-In on the Nokia N900 vs no hard drive on the nexus both have Micro SD slots for optional upgrades

*~Better Quality Camera and a Secondary front facing camera for
video chatting on the N900

*~FM Radio and Transmitter for easy wireless car integration

*~Adobe Flash 9

*~Built in Skype integration

*~TV-OUT Watch DVD QUALITY Movies and Flash Videos on any Television!

*~ Full Keyboard

*~ Better for Multitasking

Where the Nokia N900 Really Shines ~

*~ Faster Processor

*~Slightly larger screen 3.7 on the Nexus vs 3.5 on the N900

*~More Sensitive Touch Screen

*~ Better Maps App

Hope this Helps

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Heh.. that's an incredibly disingenuous assertion you make, there. Particularly when you make such comparisons as.. for examples..

'Browser: HTML, No RSS Feeds'.. how many browsers do you think there are on the Android platform? And what even makes you think that you can't get RSS feeds? I may not have a Nexus One, but I do have a Droid..and it handles RSS feeds brilliantly, thank you very much.

Better still, my favorite is the comparison of Google Maps vs OviMaps for navigation. For one, you don't use Google Maps for navigation on the Nexus (or on my Droid), you use Google Navigator. Google Navigator is, by all accounts and on every account, superior to OviMaps. I would rather like to see Sygic compared to Google Navigator--THEN it's a real and qualified competitor that I might prefer.

Another question--infrared port? The N900 has an infrared port? Where is that? I didn't know it had infrared. Better still.. WHY? Is this 1999 again?

Edit: Holy geez.. it does!

Last edited by danramos; 2010-02-04 at 02:08.

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yes it had infrared always hehehe lol. The reason i ask for this comparison is that i need a second phone. Which can be another n900 or droid. HTC HD2 is sexy but i go with android of windows any day as far as my experience goes.

So, danramos, since you have droid, do you mind putting DRIODS features and all info about it so i can compare with N900. If you have N900 also, mind posting a video of both of them side by side??

If not, please post how it does in multi tasking, sound(dual speakers?), keyboard(commands?), games(graphic wise), GPS(DRIOD WINS), touch of droid compare to n900, etc... please if you dont mind. Thanks
mrebanza's Avatar
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Originally Posted by danramos View Post
Heh.. that's an incredibly disingenuous assertion you make, there. Particularly when you make such comparisons as.. for examples..

ummm . . . Ok . . . first of all I did not write the specs comparison in the image . . . I was just trying to help the OP . . .

Originally Posted by danramos View Post
'Browser: HTML, No RSS Feeds'.. how many browsers do you think there are on the Android platform? And what even makes you think that you can't get RSS feeds? I may not have a Nexus One, but I do have a Droid..and it handles RSS feeds brilliantly, thank you very much.
RE : Browser

I am not sure what they mean by No RSS Feeds in Android . . . but if you would like to compare browsers . . . . I think the N900's Firefox Based Browser with built in Adobe Flash and plug-in's such as Ad-Block beat the Androids Webkit Browser any day of the week and I feel it is the closed thing to a desktop experience in a mobile device.

Originally Posted by danramos View Post
Better still, my favorite is the comparison of Google Maps vs OviMaps for navigation. For one, you don't use Google Maps for navigation on the Nexus (or on my Droid), you use Google Navigator. Google Navigator is, by all accounts and on every account, superior to OviMaps. I would rather like to see Sygic compared to Google Navigator--THEN it's a real and qualified competitor that I might prefer.
RE : Google Maps vs Ovi Maps

ummm . . . Not sure what your beef is here either . . . . In my highlights of the Nexus One I Clearly said it has a better Map App . . . . Are you mad cause I didn't call it a "Navigator"??

Even the Commercials call it "Google Maps Navigation"

Originally Posted by danramos View Post
Another question--infrared port? The N900 has an infrared port? Where is that? I didn't know it had infrared. Better still.. WHY? Is this 1999 again?
RE : Infrared Port

ummm . . . . Yea it has an infrared port . . . . whats wrong with that?

It also has a TV Out so you can plug it into your TV and watch your burnt DVD's and then turn your TV off with your phone when your done.

(dont worry it has blue-tooth and wi-fi too - All the hardware on the N900 is faster in means of connectivity Wifi, GSM, 3G ect)

This was a non-biased comparison of the RAW SPECS of the Devices HARDWARE . . . . I honestly don't see how it can be disputed ???

I think somebody is just mad they can't get a Nokia N900 on Verizon Wireless

Last edited by mrebanza; 2010-02-05 at 09:31.
Posts: 518 | Thanked: 160 times | Joined on Dec 2009
Originally Posted by phuongymy View Post

So, danramos, since you have droid, do you mind putting DRIODS features and all info about it so i can compare with N900. If you have N900 also, mind posting a video of both of them side by side??

If not, please post how it does in multi tasking, sound(dual speakers?), keyboard(commands?), games(graphic wise), GPS(DRIOD WINS), touch of droid compare to n900, etc... please if you dont mind. Thanks
mrebanza's Avatar
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here are the specs of Droid vs N900
danramos's Avatar
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Originally Posted by mrebanza View Post

here are the specs of Droid vs N900
Several of those details are completely wrong or stated disingenuously (like the camera)... also, they appear to be comparing it to some kind of GSM Droid... which doesn't exist yet, I don't think--certainly not in the US.

Heheh.. java: no? The whole damned application system is based on Java. :P
Bundyo's Avatar
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Webkit HTML5... yeah, right...

@danramos: they probably mean MIDP2
Technically, there are three determinate states the cat could be in: Alive, Dead, and Bloody Furious.

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