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It supports it even now (you can even target Symbian from Qt Creator), but Symbian^4 (probably not available until 2011) is the one that will use Qt (+Orbit) as a prime framework for GUI.
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I was under the impression Qt is not very good when it comes to developing game apps. I thought I read that in another thread.

Will QT improve gaming across operating systems? could anyone clarify that in this QT thread?
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Posts: 455 | Thanked: 782 times | Joined on Nov 2009 @ Netherlands
Well, Qt supports OpenGL / OpenGL ES (check QGLWidget), tho not on par as native implementations, but with some tinkering it can be perfectly usable to leverage games as well.
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Qt has little bearing on gaming. It's a universal framework, not a game engine (although a lot of Qt modules can be used in game development, too).
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