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Originally Posted by llamastyle View Post
Mine has done the same... If i shake it or tap it, it will work for a little while. I don't think I'll send it off just yet as thats not a huge problem... but it is very annoying
dbus-send --print-reply --system /com/nokia/mce/request e string:'PatternIncomingCall'

While it's vibrating move it a bit, I found mine got stuck when it was held in portrait mode, so try moving it a bit till you find where it gets stuck and try shaking it, fixed mine that way
When you're done testing/fixing:

dbus-send --print-reply --system /com/nokia/mce/request ate string:'PatternIncomingCall'

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Posts: 50 | Thanked: 11 times | Joined on Nov 2009
Originally Posted by MohammadAG View Post
dbus-send --print-reply --system /com/nokia/mce/request e string:'PatternIncomingCall'

While it's vibrating move it a bit, I found mine got stuck when it was held in portrait mode, so try moving it a bit till you find where it gets stuck and try shaking it, fixed mine that way
When you're done testing/fixing:

dbus-send --print-reply --system /com/nokia/mce/request ate string:'PatternIncomingCall'

Ahh thank you, I will test this when I get off of work. I've been trying to figure out how to do something like this. Much appreciated. I really dont want to ship it off if i can help it.
Posts: 50 | Thanked: 11 times | Joined on Nov 2009
yeah i tried it, my phone vibrates a little while and then stops. it still makes the noise just no vibration. dissapointing
MohammadAG's Avatar
Posts: 2,473 | Thanked: 12,265 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ Jerusalem, PS/IL
Originally Posted by llamastyle View Post
yeah i tried it, my phone vibrates a little while and then stops. it still makes the noise just no vibration. dissapointing
It will stop vibrating, once that happens shake it a bit and see if it works, it worked here (but each defect is different I guess)
Posts: 50 | Thanked: 11 times | Joined on Nov 2009
shaking it doesnt really do anything. if i close the slide kind of fast, it will work a little but only for a short while.

Last edited by llamastyle; 2010-03-01 at 21:29.
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It may sound funny but...

I've had such issue with my N95 8GB.
Tried turning it on/off, uninstalling some apps etc.
So I thought it was broken. Used it without vibration for like 3+ months.

Then I called up support to get it fixed.
They told me to perform a factory reset.
I did and it actually worked. LOL. So weird.

Try resetting all settings to factory default and if that doesn't fix it, try reflashing your phone before assuming it's hardware fault.
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Originally Posted by jakiman View Post
It may sound funny but...

I've had such issue with my N95 8GB.
Tried turning it on/off, uninstalling some apps etc.
So I thought it was broken. Used it without vibration for like 3+ months.

Then I called up support to get it fixed.
They told me to perform a factory reset.
I did and it actually worked. LOL. So weird.

Try resetting all settings to factory default and if that doesn't fix it, try reflashing your phone before assuming it's hardware fault.
Actually that was one of the first things I tried. I reset my phone to factory defaults, but still doesnt work . I haven't tried to reflash it yet though. Funny because i like to tinker and play with devel apps but I've never had a problem that I couldn't fix yet that would force me to.

I will try reflashing it when I have time.
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At the beginning, I had a problem with the backlight (always off) and the LED (not working), I thought it was a physical problem (because nor reboot nor reflash did the trick)

Juste before sending my phone to repair, I removed the battery and put it again. Guess what ? Everything was working again
Smash is the way you deal with your life, like an outcast you're smashing your strife
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Don't know what I did. But it seems to be working again...
Posts: 3,664 | Thanked: 1,530 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @ Hamilton, New Zealand
Originally Posted by MohammadAG View Post
Mine worked on the first day, then it died.
It was imported from the US, so I couldn't send it again (if I did then I would've had to pay the $200-customs-tax again)
A month later, it started vibrating, lasting about 10 minutes or 2 hours, then it'd die again, so I opened up terminal and started the vibration, put in on the charger, left it overnight and the next day it was working again
So it could be some debris as suggested by DocScrutinizer on the IRC (and the vibration got rid of it somehow)

Custom will not charge twice. Once your item is charged once it won't be charge again. Only new Item will be charged, anything old will slip through. So send it back

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