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Kismet will crash if your screen goes blank while running it on an N800. I assume the n800 sends some kinda code to kismet telling it that the screen has blanked, and kismet goes 'wtf?! c-ya!' and causes your n800 to reboot.

I'm unsure if aircrack-ng works correctly on the n800. Kismet's 770/n800 driver had to be written to throw out bad packet information from the wifi card. I don't believe anyone has added that to aircrack-ng (for free anywyas, I hear the core security guys have a $2600 770 with a modded OS that can run aircrack from a gui)
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how time it can decode wpa2 packet ?? is it possible or not ;(

if it"s VERBOTTEN , erase my message
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Kismet seems to have problems with the n800 going into power saving mode. This is, imo, all Nokia's fault. The power management system on the Nokia ITs is not very granular. There are many times when I don't want the screen to blank every five minutes and Nokia has evidently determined that I am not smart enough to make that decision for myself. The power management issue has been a persistent thorn in my side when trying to implement the n800 as a platform for various persistent data acquisition and display applications. I would likely be buying the n800 in commercially significant quantities if Nokia would just fix this...
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does anyone know which repo has gpsd in it so i can use my gps when kismet'ing about? i cant seem to find it on even the 2006 lists
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It would seem that there's a new(ish) version available at Kismet web site, should report signal levels as well.

Re gpsd, I seem to have it in there, probably installed as part of maemo mapper dependencies.

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