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Got a hairline scratch on the touch screen (not over the display, on a black part of the front of the device); still not sure how, but anyway -- found that high-quality auto paste wax made it less noticeable.

Also bought a couple of Clarivue clear protectors and installed one yesterday. Fit is a little loose (1-1.5mm of room all around) and 2nd of the 2 removable layers (you take these off during installation) came off before I had the protector fully positioned, but adherence is excellent with no bubbles and overall product quality is excellent. You can feel during the overlay step that it's a really tough little layer of plastic. No visual distortion, no loss of sensitivity noticed. 2 for $10 on their site plus you get a coupon for your next purchase.
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I bought one off Amazon for a few bucks called "Accessory Export Phone Effects Screen Protector." US$4.99 for a 3-pack. I have a tiny bubble on the edge near the LED, but otherwise it is effectively invisible. I think it is a little more reflective than the original glass, but I think it is fine. For that price, it was worth a try.

Looking at it now, I see a small scratch on the protector...glad I have it on there!
HellFlyer's Avatar
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I bought Vikuti DCQ 160 and I'm very happy with it no bubbles and screen looks crystal clear
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Elopocalypse started on 11.02.2011
Posts: 323 | Thanked: 76 times | Joined on Jan 2010
Clarivue is amazing! no loss of sensitivity or screen quality

The Following User Says Thank You to vietn900 For This Useful Post:
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Im using the Phantom Skinz screen protector. I got 1 for about $7-9, (I cant really remember). They sent an extra in the package for free. Im still using my first one and its been almost 7 months and it still looks great. There's a little room around the screen but nothing to bad. I have zero bubbles and a perfect screen!
Posts: 276 | Thanked: 109 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Vancouver,Canada / Dubai,UAE
Anyone who is ordering Clarivue , use coupon code:clear123 to get %10 discount (valid until DEC 31st 2010)


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I'm using one dollar no-name screen protector from ebay and it has lasted for six months by now. Screen works great it with.
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Originally Posted by xKamaitachi View Post
martin fields , best screen protector for everything basically. perfect cut 100% of the time. Best ever. nothing can compare.
Agreed, Martin Fields is the best one but it is to expensive, and takes a long time to get to Norway.
I have tried loads of screen protectors and the M.F. is what I like best and use. None last forever, not even Zagg. I recently found one in Europe that's pretty good and not to expensive. There is no picture of it which is a shame, but I will try to remember sharing a few when I get home.

Most of the protectors that I have tried have one or more of the following problems: To small, not accurate cutouts, doesn't stick to the screen near edges and cutouts, to thin, chips off pieces to easy.

The two I mentioned first dosent have these problems. The ScreenGUARD from (brobably other places to) is just a fraction smaller than the perfect Martin Fields screen protector.

I have marked the screen protector sizes on the images.

So, as long as these are available I wont look any further ( I think )

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Last edited by inidrog; 2010-07-15 at 13:18.

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I've tried the Zagg Invisible Shield - you get a sticky orange peel surface that ruins the experience when using a stylus. Removed it after a couple of days.

I've ordered Phantom Skinz - Hope it's better.
Posts: 204 | Thanked: 31 times | Joined on Mar 2010 @ Rochdale UK
Originally Posted by wildt View Post
I've tried the Zagg Invisible Shield - you get a sticky orange peel surface that ruins the experience when using a stylus. Removed it after a couple of days.

I've ordered Phantom Skinz - Hope it's better.
I don't mean to dissapoint but phantom skinz are made using the exact same stuff as Zaggs Invisible shield....
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