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Originally Posted by Tiboric View Post
ovi store is a bit of a joke now. i just downloaded the entire deb file for zen bound and now have it stored on my phone. to freely distrobute(I paid buy the way. well worth it) but poor developers. what security is that. unless im missing some IMEI encryption. but im doubting that(anyone know).
please nokia sort this out so devs can be sure their work is not stolen.
Well, I think that is no real issue. I don't believe in copy protection. They simply not work.

If you make fair prices and make your stuff avaible those who would pay for it will pay for. Those who can't or don't want to pay for it, will not do it either way. (If there is copy protection or not)

So in the end, copy protection only anoyes paying customers and costs money to implement.
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is that your way of asking for a copy?...

you have a fair point thought... thiefs will be thiefs.

Last edited by Tiboric; 2010-06-21 at 04:27.
esthreel's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Tiboric View Post
ovi store is a bit of a joke now. i just downloaded the entire deb file for zen bound and now have it stored on my phone. to freely distrobute(I paid buy the way. well worth it) but poor developers. what security is that. unless im missing some IMEI encryption. but im doubting that(anyone know).
please nokia sort this out so devs can be sure their work is not stolen.
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matts76's Avatar
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I cant purchace anything from ovi due to a lack of a credit card (would love to be able to buy these apps) and have been reduced to finding them elsewhere, i totaly agree ovi is a joke.
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Last edited by matts76; 2010-06-20 at 21:07.
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Originally Posted by DanielW View Post
Well, I think that is no real issue. I don't believe in copy protection. They simply not work.

If you make fair prices and make your stuff avaible those who would pay for it will pay for. Those who can't or don't want to pay for it, will not do it either way. (If there is copy protection or not)

So in the end, copy protection only anoyes paying customers and costs money to implement.
I think there is a reasonable chunk of population that would engage in casual/social piracy (copying to friends, family, etc) if there is zero barrier to duplication. Some form of DRM is just enough to limit these activities...
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hobbsch's Avatar
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Here are two threads for the same issue.

I had the same problem and got ZEN Bound with help from the german Nokia Support within one day.

Good luck!
Posts: 384 | Thanked: 95 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Romania
I have the same problem in Romania. I contacted Nokia Care and they confirmed me that they have serious issues with Ovi Store. Can't found out when they will be solved!
Tiboric's Avatar
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Originally Posted by esthreel View Post
Want to be first one to contribute to maemo ver of AppCake?
well, just did a quick google search of 'zen bound n900' and a load of torrents are already up, make me a little sad (people moan there no good paid games / apps then some git gives away the first one we get, reducing the chance other developers will even start producing software)
Jayboy5's Avatar
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Hey guys,
I just wanted to put nokias response to my inquiry into the OVI store not accepting my credit card payments (tried 3 cards), despite plenty of money. Their answer made me very angry... I feel that I am being boldly lied to, it's obvious this is not true and I thought I should follow the torrent users lead and "share":

"Hi Jayson,
> Thank you for e-mailing the Nokia Care Contact Center.
> In response to your concern, we would like to inform you that the Zen
> Bound application is currently not available for the N900. This is the
> reason why it does not process the payment for the said application on
> ovi store.
> If you have any additional questions, please don’t hesitate to contact
> us again. To ensure proper handling of your case, kindly continue using
> the current subject line.
> Thank you very much for your email.
> Kind regards,
> Kristel
> E-mail Specialist
> Nokia Inc.

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> Sent: 19/06/2010 05:42:49 PM
> To:
> Subject: Contact Form
> [Email address:]
> [First name: jayson]
> [Last name: blondin]
> [Country: IRELAND]
> [Phone model: n900]
> [Language: English]
> [Mobile:
> [Contact topic
: Ask a question]
> [Contact subtopic: Store]
> [Message: ovi store wont accept any of my credit cards despite having
> plenty of money. I cant buy zen bound for my n900. Please, please help!?]"

...This was my response:

I'm sorry but if your telling me that my credit card isn't being accepted because zen bound is not available for the n900 then you must be mistaken. Many n900 owners have payed and installed the game to there n900's. Not to mention the fact that it comes up in the ovi store as an option for a game with my n900 selected as my device. Please explain how many people with the n900 have purchased and are enjoying the game..? There is even videos showing it being played legitimately on the n900? Thank you

Jayson, Sent from my Nokia N900 "

...This was some time ago. After my first inquiry I actually got a response in a few hours, however I have yet to hear anything in response to my reply a few days later. Am I the only one that has been told this LIE? I am a huge fan of nokia, however I cannot stand to be lied to! Any thoughts?
inidrog's Avatar
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They dont lie, they just dont know. Poor or no communication in organizations is what makes them go down or loose market share. Poor communication dont mix well with "closed" "open source" like we all have experienced :/

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