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At least with my n900 I can see what's on my screen in sunny daylight.
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A friend of mine has a Galaxy S and while it doesn't feel very robust, it's very light and the screen is really shiny.
It's not entirely smooth imo. lags every now and then, so my friend isn't entirely satisified. But if you want a shiny, flashy phone then you wont go wrong even though it doesn't have angry birds. Has very little in common with N900 though, so I don't see any point in comparing them.
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Patience : [*****-----] Weapon(s): N900, N950, Metal music
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Originally Posted by volt View Post
No, I wouldn't say it like that. Different tools for different markets. If you think the Ipad is superior to an Slate PC, the Galaxy is right for you. If you think a Slate PC is superior to an Ipad, the N900 might be for you.

To dumb it down: one's an ultra-ultraportable PC with mediocre phone capacities. The other one's a top quality phone with mediocre PC capacities. Do you want an internet device or a ringer?
Hmmm...You've put that interestingly... Do you want an Internet Device or a Ringer ? I am sure with Internet Device you mean the N900 right :-) (Please I am not dumb, just checking :-)
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I have both phones and can answer specific questions.

Generally, the Galaxy S is a superior phone but for some strange reason, I can't leave home without the N900.

Galaxy S wins the following hands down...
- video playback
- speed
- screen
- responsiveness ( with lag fix)
- integration with google services (if that's important to you)

It will however match the n900 in everything else except....

- HW keyboard
- FM transmitter (my phone is my In-car music system)
- Maemo ( personal opinion - superior to android)

Last edited by fixfox; 2010-08-30 at 12:57.
Posts: 118 | Thanked: 80 times | Joined on Jan 2010
Real question here is: Can you use ComicSans on the Galaxy S?

...and to be more on topic, I just ordered a Galaxy S to complete my N900. Have both! They are different beasts...
Posts: 103 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on May 2010
Originally Posted by fixfox View Post

It will however match the n900 in everything else except....

- HW keyboard
- FM transmitter (my phone is my In-car music system)
- Maemo ( personal opinion - superior to android)

It will however exceed the n900 in everything else except....

Correction made :-)
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A the end of the day this debate can go on and on.
(We are an opinionated bunch here!)

Both phones (Yeah, yeah n900 is a computer first..blah..blah) have pros and cons and it is up to you to decide which one fits your needs.

(And I didn't bash Apple or iPhone!......whoops too late!)
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Last edited by johnel; 2010-08-30 at 13:36.
Posts: 250 | Thanked: 44 times | Joined on Jan 2010
i'll just try my to use my android experience and a bit of a trial of the device at a shop...

i tried my brother's g1 before and successfully dual booted my n900 with nitdroid today. all i can say is it's really a phone like an iphone or any other phone. the n900 feels very different and more freedom to multitask and navigate like a computer. i can use android for fun but maemo will still be main...

galaxy for me:

= screen (an awesome screen is a treat but lcd is fine for a portable device)

= apps (yeah there's lots but i prefer sticking on one app that constantly improves than a gazillion which is hard to know w/c is better)

+ fast

+ maps

+ good feel while holding it (we all know n900 is thick for today's standard)

+ surely will get flash 10 (while not sure for maemo)

- hardware keyboard (still beats virtual for me)

- ir , fm transmitter (minor but still a feature)

- multitasking

Last edited by cloudstrife1ph; 2010-08-30 at 13:25.
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Originally Posted by fixfox View Post
I have both phones and can answer specific questions.

Generally, the Galaxy S is a superior phone but for some strange reason, I can't leave home without the N900.

Galaxy S wins the following hands down...
- video playback
- speed
- screen
- responsiveness ( with lag fix)
Out of curiosity, is your n900 overclocked? For me the n900 at 1.1 ghz (or even 850 mhz) is a whole new device and more comparable to newer devices.
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