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, 16:43
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@ Pennsylvania, USA
in all seriousness, there was a thread here with a list of twitter names. Just can't find it offhand...
, 09:51
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@ Finland
Psst! " Community on Twitter: List your Twitter name if you want"
, 10:38
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@ Pennsylvania, USA
I must be really slow... That thread is stickied, is in the same section than this thread and has Twitter written twice in the title. And yet I managed to miss it.
, 07:38
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@ Potsdam (Germany)
Fair point. I just created and now I'm looking for the simplest way to sync with the Twitter account. Lazyweb, can you help?
, 08:45
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@ Vienna, Austria
, 20:36
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@ Israel
Follow new packages on Twitter (@maemoextras)
If you want to be informed when new packages enter the Extras-Testing repository, you might want to follow maemoextras on Twitter.
I know one of them where you have to bare his music and song writing tweets