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I didn't install anything...
As for the socket, I'm not sure, but I guess not...

As I said, everything with three of those black rings will not work, and everything with two, seems to work...
For example, I just tried TV-out... It's not working either!
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To me it sounds like a broken socket.. you could try "alsamixer -c 0" or reinstall pulseaudio.. but i do not think it will work.
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Mate, I'm %90 SURE it's the socket... Can you help me please?
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Originally Posted by AMLJ View Post
Mate, I'm %90 SURE it's the socket... Can you help me please?
I am sorry.. but If it's the socket then you need to replace it. So if you know some hardware guy who knows to yield a soldering iron....
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Well, as far as I know, it needs opening the device... There is nobody I think is capable of opening it and giving it back as it is... What do you recommend I do?
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If you don't dare to do it yourself.. then you'll have to send it to Nokia.
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Hmm... I can't stay away from this for a moment!

Can you tell me how I can open it up myself? I mean, any tips?
Also, is it dangerous?
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I don't thin it's the socket.I think the headphone is broken. It happened once to me. I thought my N900 is broken but after bought a new headphone then everything works.
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As n900 is one year old, and have two years warranty. Call a nokia repair center.
AMLJ's Avatar
Posts: 226 | Thanked: 59 times | Joined on Sep 2010 @ Mierlo, Netherlands
I'm sure it's the socket, because TV-out doesn't work either...

I might try giving it to Nokia... But can anyone suggest anything else? Aren't there any tricks?

Also, why do things with two black rings (Like the input, or output of a headset) work, and the ones with three (Like my headphones, or TV-out) don't?

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