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After starting HAM, I can see the following output in the log (see text file inside the attached zip file). Any idea of what could be the problem?

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Sorry for delay, was busy last night, finally got time to look into this.

Originally Posted by ikerrg View Post
I have only three repositories enabled, updates and software from nokia, and extras. I have ovi disabled.
[Unrelated: Wow, no CSSU?] Anyway, k, thank you.

Originally Posted by ikerrg View Post
But since the keyexpired error, HAM shows in the log a huge list of "ignoring wrong version from wrong domain" errors.
This is interesting because I had never noticed it on my devices, but for years now, whenever I had a device that needed reflashing, immediately after the reflash, I would reinstall CSSU, which obviously adds the CSSU repo, and overrides a bunch of the system packages that would normally be provided from the 'Nokia Updates/Applications' repos. However, I also never open HAM after I've gotten rootsh, CSSU, and Faster Application Manager installed. So off the top of my head, I figured HAM could have possibly been responsible as well.

Luckily, one of the N900s I have is 100% 'stock/vanilla' right now, absolutely no changes since it was last reflashed, and so I was able to test this both on a device with other non-default repositories (CSSU-testing, extras-devel, nokia-sdk), and on a device with a completely 'clean' configuration.

And, confirmed, on both devices, HAM spews a MASS of these "apt-worker: ignoring version from wrong domain" messages into the log. (On the non-stock device, both FAM and command-line update catalogs just fine without those messages.)

(I looked at your logs in your last post, and it looks pretty much exactly as what I'm getting in HAM.)

And if it were just my knowledge we were relying on, I would've been stuck here. But luckily, when I google'd this issue, I found this thread on here, from 2 years ago:

It looks like that message is created by apt-get (apt-worker specifically) when it sees that there is a package available that's from a non-trusted repository. Therefore, it 'ignores' it - different repositories (well, package domains, but I think the two are very connected) have different level of 'trustworthiness', apparently, and if it detects a package in a repository that is 'less trusted' than the currently installed package, it will "ignore it" to hide it from the user.

As the explanation in the aforementioned linked thread says, this is probably to prevent important system packages from being overwritten by 'higher' versions of the same-named package from 'less trusted' repositories. So this issue is likely tied to the expired key warning that this thread started with - in fact, it's probably directly connected - the Nokia repositories, are, presumably, by default marked as very trusted internally. Now that the key is expired, perhaps the 'trust' assigned to that package domain is smaller, so apt-get views its currently-installed-by-default system packages as being more trusted then the versions of those same packages in the official Nokia repositories. And that would also explain this:

Originally Posted by ikerrg View Post
If I disable nokia repositories (only extras enabled), only a few of these errors appear.
Since the packages in your log are all more or less packages that come with the N900 by default, the same packages would be in the Nokia repos. And since the Nokia repos are no longer as 'trusted' due to the key expired error, this happens.

Is it preventing you from updating/installing packages/apps normally? If not, then you can probably safely ignore this problem - it's not like we'll be getting any official updates from Nokia, realistically. CSSU brings such updates, but the CSSU users are able to update fine without being affected by this, since CSSU updates come from the CSSU repos and not official Nokia repos.

If you can't install/update normal software through HAM correctly, you have the option of installing FAM (Faster Application Manager in the repository), and/or installing things manually from the command-line, or we can try to figure out how we can modify the files at /var/lib/hildon-application-manager/domain.* to fix the issue, although that might not lead to any permanent fixes.

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Posts: 181 | Thanked: 82 times | Joined on Jan 2010
Originally Posted by Mentalist Traceur View Post
If you can't install/update normal software through HAM correctly, you have the option of installing FAM (Faster Application Manager in the repository), and/or installing things manually from the command-line, or we can try to figure out how we can modify the files at /var/lib/hildon-application-manager/domain.* to fix the issue, although that might not lead to any permanent fixes.
Thanks for your deep analysys!!! I can only add that I have deleted all the files named domain.* in /var/lib/hildon-application-manager/ and the problem has dissapeared!! I do not know if this deletion would have collateral issues in the future, but by the time being everything seems alright. Do you think that the domain.* database is really necessary for HAM to work?

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