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Posts: 6 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Mar 2011
sorry for the late response lost my internet connection. thanks for the help granted this far..

for the command

ps ax | grep bluetoohd

im still recieving one line of output

Nokia-N900:~# ps ax | grep bluetoohd
3849 root 2088 S grep bluetoohd

for the command hcitool dev i recieve

Nokia-N900:~# hcitool dev

for the code lsmod | grep hci i recieve

Nokia-N900:~# lsmod | grep hci
hci_h4p 16072 2
bluetooth 53660 8 hci_h4p,rfcomm,sco,l2cap

dmesg gives me

[89822.467987] hci_h4p hci_h4p: firmware: requesting bcmfw.bin
[89854.561920] hci_h4p hci_h4p: firmware: requesting bcmfw.bin

my hci_h4p information

Nokia-N900:~# modinfo hci_h4p
filename: /lib/modules/
author: Ville Tervo
license: GPL
description: h4 driver with nokia extensions
srcversion: AE9629CC2B10806108936C0
depends: bluetooth
vermagic: preempt mod_unload modversions ARMv7

finally for checking whether the module exists im getting

Nokia-N900:~# dir /lib/firmware/bcmfw.bin
-sh: dir: not found

ive checked using filebox, and have seen that the file is present in the directory.
Posts: 33 | Thanked: 22 times | Joined on May 2012 @ ja_JP.UTF-8
md5sum /lib/firmware/bcmfw.bin;
ps ax | grep bluetoothd;
modprobe hci_h4p;
echo "00:11:22:33:44:55" > /sys/devices/platform/hci_h4p/bdaddr;
modprobe -r hci_h4p;
modprobe hci_h4p;
bluetoothd -d;
hciconfig hci0 up;
hcitool dev;
lsmod | grep hci;
hcitool scan;
dmesg | grep hci
copy, execute, give us.
Posts: 7 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Dec 2012
Saying connection failed..when sending file from other phone i.e. when saving file in mobile memory....but it works as saving on sd card....any body can solve
Posts: 198 | Thanked: 76 times | Joined on Mar 2010
Originally Posted by Jqwon View Post
ps ax | grep bluetoohd
still a typo:


you missed the last "t"
if all fails, try just

ps ax | grep blue

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