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xerxes2's Avatar
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I've been a linux fanboy since 1998 (Mandrake, KDE, lots of bugs ) and as Sailfish basically is the only true (as in a normal linux desktop distro) mobile linux os what's there not to like? Tizen seems to be some Samsung in-house monstrosity and Ubuntu I wouldn't even call normal linux anymore with all their in-house crap, especially Mir and Upstart. So for me Sailfish is the clear choice. Wayland + systemd + Qt = instant success -> road to the future
But the WM7 "horse" has a blood lineage tracing back to donkeys such as WM6.5, 6.1, 6.0, 5.1 that was fully neglected for too many years and Microsoft did sweet F all to maintain it (still running on Pocket IE4/6!!).

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Venemo's Avatar
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I'm doing it for similar reasons. I believe in Jolla and agree with their mission and goals. I love the software that it uses and all the attention that went into the details.

Honestly: when I look at the Jolla, I not only see a phone but feel all the effort and goodwill that went into it and all the possibilities that are there and waiting to be implemented.

So, I would like to see Sailfish OS succeed and am willing to support its success by developing applications.

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velox's Avatar
Posts: 394 | Thanked: 1,341 times | Joined on Dec 2009
As someone who hasn't published anything for SailfishOS (except for one tiny tool I made around Christmas hidden somewhere on github, it's not quite ready, so no announcement to make) at all:

You could say I am climbing the mountain the same reason MartinK and Captain Kirk do it.
I have been 'on and off' scripting for mobile since I got the N800 way back, but only out of curiosity and never to actually release stuff. That way I've learned about GTK, Python, SDL and loads of other stuff on my mobile Devices. Just like having… my real Computer, but smaller and really, really slow! Awesome! Joking aside, I love having the ability to just spontaneously dig in and learn about how things work, even if I choose not to – so naturally I went with more or less the same system I always used on the big machines.

The Jolla marked the first time I thought "wow, I'd love to [verb] [pronoun] [noun] with my Phone", knew it should be pretty easy to do* and have the feeling that work could be benefitial to others if I shared it. Even if it's only one other Person. So I am going to eventually.

I don't care about Harbour for now, because I see it as a hassle. I don't know exactly which QML-Components aren't allowed (I know GlassItem isn't. I love GlassItem. Also, I started using it before I knew.) or what other policies there might be for not allowing it. Also I feel it would be a waste of a sailors precious time if I just submitted anyway.

I might look into OpenRepos, but didn't have the time to investigate yet. I'm more of a repository guy than an app store guy anyway.

*) My Python (used for Chinook/Diablo/Fremantle) is way worse than my JS, even though I don't know QML much.

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It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.
pycage's Avatar
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I started developing for Maemo back in 2005 (more than 8 years of Maemo, wow!) and followed the path from the Nokia 770 over the N800, N810, N900, to the N9 (and a bit of MeeGo on the WeTab while it was alive).

So, for me it's just natural to develop for Sailfish now.

Jolla IMHO just did the right thing. Looking at the smartphone market I am still unable to see any alternative I could have replaced my aging N9 with.

I enjoy using the Jolla every day, and I enjoy writing software for it.
Qt and QML are fun to work with.
Tidings - RSS and Podcast aggregator for Jolla -
Cargo Dock - file/cloud manager for Jolla -

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