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Btw, turns out my memory is crappy; I actually DID change to code to use the METHOD_USER_DEFINED, not METHOD_AWGSS. Duh.

"Use teh Source, Luke", not my ramblings

I think I will experiment w. this code to try to figure out a more intelligent handling of changed position, incuding using cell towers, but only to detect CHANGES. I.e. something like
- figure out GPS coord
- shut off GPS
- look at celltower
- If celltower changes, or a LONG time has passed (like an hour), compute new GPS coordinate

Or somesuch.


Last edited by MasterZap; 2011-04-29 at 13:06.

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Ok, I really seem to be having some troubles getting Latitude to work, either through the desktop version on the N900 or this application. I followed these instructions "Just delete the file /home/user/.mozilla/microb/permissions.sqlite and restart. This will delete all the permissions granted/denied to web pages."

However the following didn't happen:
"Then when you will connect to Latitude a pop-up will appear, asking for your permission to use the Geolocation API."

I am not sure if I have the microb-geolocation module install. I couldn't find this in the application manager.

Last edited by whats_up_skip; 2011-04-30 at 11:33.
Posts: 169 | Thanked: 71 times | Joined on Aug 2010 @ Spain
"Just delete the file /home/user/.mozilla/microb/permissions.sqlite and restart. This will delete all the permissions granted/denied to web pages."
was needed by the desktop application, but this works no longer. That tip was needed in order to MicroB asked the user again for permission, but as the app doesn't work is useless.

There's another script made by Aketzu, a mod of this script by MasterZap and some help from gazza_d (check the instructions for MasterZap's script, which are similar to install Aketzu's one, it differs on which script yoy download & use) that put it all together to make the N900 update location to Google Latitude.

The post for MasterZap's modification of the script:
The post for Aketzu's original script:

Last edited by jpala16; 2011-04-30 at 11:46.
Posts: 14 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Nov 2010
Originally Posted by whats_up_skip View Post
I am not sure if I have the microb-geolocation module install. I couldn't find this in the application manager.
Open a terminal, and enter as command:

dpkg -l microb-geolocation
It should output a line beginning with "ii".
If not, you should be able to install ("download") it via the application manager, find it in the "location & navigation" category.
Posts: 169 | Thanked: 71 times | Joined on Aug 2010 @ Spain
Originally Posted by wurtel View Post
Open a terminal, and enter as command:

dpkg -l microb-geolocation
It should output a line beginning with "ii".
If not, you should be able to install ("download") it via the application manager, find it in the "location & navigation" category.
With that you ensure you have the extension for MicroB necessary to update your location, but only when you enter the Google Latitude website.
IMO using Google Latitude in MicroB is horrible, as it no longer works the Latitude mobile version using MicroB (it would be great that anyone corrected me on this). It's too small for my eyes and requires the use of the cursor with the stylus. But it's only my opinion.
Posts: 213 | Thanked: 414 times | Joined on Nov 2010
For anyone interested, ive just uploaded the first version of my google latitude desktop widget to the auto-builder. See PGZ Latitude Widget

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Originally Posted by gazza_d View Post
Doing this from memory, but should all be correct...

1 You need to download the tar.gz file from this web page and save to a location on your N900 - I suggest the top leve (N900 in the file dialog)

2 open xterm change to the folder
cd /home/user/MyDocs
3 Type the command
tar -zxvf ./google....
hint change to the start typing the filename and then hit tab on the toolbar, it will autocomplete for you. It will create and extract all files to a folder named the same as the file you downloaded

4. once the extract is complete then change to the folder
cd foldername
as above start typing, and then tab to autocomplete

5. change to the root user by using the command
. you need to have the rootsh app installed from the application manager.

6. run the command
python install
to install the google libraries.

7. once the command has ran type
this will drop you back to being a normal user.

8. create the folder for the config file using the command
mkdir /home/user/latitude
9. create an empty config file using the command
touch /home/user/latitude/latitude.dat
10. run the script with the command
python --once
ensure you are in the folder where the script is.

11. It will come back with some test, and a URL. tap the pointer n the toolbar, and cross it out. then select the URL, and xterm will give you an option to copy the URL or open it. Open it, and follow the instructions on the google authorisation page. You want to say yes to everything.

Hope this helps.
Thanks a lot for the detailed instructions. I could get almost everything working apart from the 10th step. Where is the located? Do I need to download it?
Apologies if I sound dumb.

Thanks again.
Posts: 5 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Mar 2011
Oops, found the script. Hadn't read the discussion through.
Posts: 44 | Thanked: 28 times | Joined on Mar 2010
Originally Posted by MasterZap View Post
As for GPS, all the changes I did were the following:

#2: Tell it to ignore any gps point with an accuracy worse than 150 meters (actually, variable "acclimit" in the code is set to this, I was actually planning to make it an option, but never did, you could change "acclimit" to whatever accuracy you think is appropriate by just editing line 112 in the code)

Frankly, I don't know the GPS api well enough to know exactly what happens and if it will try endlessly to find satellites or not. Probably. There is, most certainly, no clever code in this snippet to try to do anything intelligent here, for sure.

For me, I have a low wooden house so I have quite OK GPS signal also indoors, and since I deem non-GPS coordinates to be useless, for me it is a "feature" that it never uses cell tower locations at all (then "last known good" GPS coord is better, IMHO).

But you are quite right about that if you are in a bunker, it will quite probably try for way too long. Especially since my extremely simplictic implementation of the "once" option, is that it stops after the first successful fix (with successful being "better than 150 meter accuracy").

So I'm guessing it will never actually exit properly for a cell tower location.
I for one work in a bunker type building, and my GF lives in a bunker type house

This results in the GPS trying to get a fix , and what seems like, never quits... alarmed keeps on firing up new processes that keep on running.. is there a smart way to set a time out somewhere?
f.i. that if no suitable fix is found within say 120secs the --once option quits?
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Originally Posted by ny-hardcore View Post
I for one work in a bunker type building, and my GF lives in a bunker type house

This results in the GPS trying to get a fix , and what seems like, never quits... alarmed keeps on firing up new processes that keep on running.. is there a smart way to set a time out somewhere?
f.i. that if no suitable fix is found within say 120secs the --once option quits?
First of all, thanks to everyone who's behind that script. It worked for me and goes great with scheduled updates through Alarmed.
BUT, it doesn't work so great for me from my work place as just like ny-hardcore, I work in a place where getting a GPS fix is next to impossible.
Are there any plans to include the GSM location as well?
That would be great help.

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