Poll: Delet the values from the speedpatch?
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Delet the values from the speedpatch?

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corduroysack's Avatar
Posts: 939 | Thanked: 366 times | Joined on Dec 2010 @ U.K.
installed speedpatch04.deb and not getting the errors i encountered with the repos's install.
"I Reject Your Reality & Substitute My Own" Adam Savage
Posts: 856 | Thanked: 1,681 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ Aleppo ,Syria
that doesn't make sense
if that error appeared that mean speedpatch is not activated
do you have kernel-power? if not then install it

and don't use that link
it will disable speedpatch
that was an old version speedpatch has been updated a lot since then
corduroysack's Avatar
Posts: 939 | Thanked: 366 times | Joined on Dec 2010 @ U.K.
yeah got kernelpower as well, i was having a playaround with backupmenu and restored an image i did back in july which also had a speedpatch script(i'm guessing) with it.i've got another backup from just before that so might give that a go.
removed all speedpatch so non in etc/event.d.
just looked through entire thread and used any removal instructions i found.
installed that deb and that's the stage i'm at now.
trying again from repos
"I Reject Your Reality & Substitute My Own" Adam Savage
Posts: 105 | Thanked: 49 times | Joined on Jul 2011
u know there is always easy way : just reflash and install the repo versions

i confirm both speedpatch,batterypatch from repo are working as they should
corduroysack's Avatar
Posts: 939 | Thanked: 366 times | Joined on Dec 2010 @ U.K.
lol just reflash and install the repo versions are you mad
lot more work involved in reflashing than just finding a fix or even not bothering to install speedpatch
the problem is my device not the repo's, customised it too much to just reflash for 1 program just got to find the fix.

run removal script did removal commands through the thread.
apt-get purge speedpatch # old .deb install

new speedpatch installed and rebooted x2
no errors in xterm
"I Reject Your Reality & Substitute My Own" Adam Savage

Last edited by corduroysack; 2011-09-02 at 12:32.

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Posts: 478 | Thanked: 165 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ Manchester
I installed from the repo after removing both patches using the instructions in post 1. Speed patch appears to run OK. (checked for cd /dev/cgroup/cpu/user/ and it seems nippy still. Battery patch doesn't seem to work though VFS pressure cache staying at 1000. Rebooted phone twice and still nothing.
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Last edited by mornage; 2011-09-02 at 12:49.
Posts: 193 | Thanked: 104 times | Joined on Oct 2010 @ Romania

Both are working fine here. needless to say THANKS because you deserve it!
Posts: 856 | Thanked: 1,681 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ Aleppo ,Syria
i after gorgezilla,corduroysack,Mohammad confirmed that batterypatch is working that mean the problem is with your N900
and i think i know what it is:

do this :

sudo gainroot
apt-get purge batterypatch dbus-scripts
apt-get install batterypatch
your problem must be with a file from dbus-scripts package exists in /etc/event.d/
and conflicts with an older version of batterypatch
doing that should solve your problem

//EDIT :
thanks for the reply

The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to karam For This Useful Post:
Posts: 478 | Thanked: 165 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ Manchester
Thanks Karam, will try that later. I have wierd issues with extras-devel not updating when I'm on 3G so although I have purged now, I cannot install batterypatch again until I'm back on wifi.

Will update with results tomorrow.
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Posts: 915 | Thanked: 57 times | Joined on Jun 2011
got an update of batterypatch but y is it not mention here?

autobrick, awesome-script, do no install, f***epitaph, install it now, perfect_ n900, script-a-brick, very safe

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