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fiferboy's Avatar
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Originally Posted by hasselmm View Post
Easy to use pannable browser widget:

- GtkMozEmbed is portable and has halfway proper API, but doesn't pan
- microb-eal, neteal have confusing, propritary API and also don't pan
- BrowserRespView seems to pan, but its API is insulting
Unfortunately, nothing will pan when on the desktop. Any sort of drag/swipe motion (regardless of direction) is interpreted by the desktop as an attempt to pan to a different desktop.

That's not to say this will never be possible with software fixes (especially in the vertical direction) but it is not possible right now.
Posts: 36 | Thanked: 22 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ Helsinki
Not sure if this has been proposed before, but haven't seen it myself.

Desktop shortcut widget

Basically this would let you place normal looking shortcuts in the desktop, but when you select it, it opens a small group of shortcuts defined by you. It may be a circle around the original place or a rectangle to some direction. Then you could just select the shortcut you want to launch an application.

And perhaps if you click to any other place on the desktop without launching anything, it would close the shortcut group.

This could be like the circle dock: But just around the widget shortcut that you place on the desktop where you want.

I think this would be a nice way to save some desktop space while still enabling you to launch your favorite applications fast.

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there is a chance for people to get together and have a go at hacking some widgets.
you want to have a proper discussion about widgets in an environment where people can do something about it?

Tentative: UX meets Code hackfest in December @ Barcelona
liqbase sketching the future.
like what i say? hit the Thanks, thanks!

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Anyone here doesn't happen to play EVE-Online? It's just another MMORPG, but it has quite extensive API for checking your characters skill training etc. out of game (skill training happens in realtime even when you aren't online playing). Would be nice to have a widget that shows that on the desktop.

Last edited by DeeGee; 2009-10-31 at 12:34.
joshua.maverick's Avatar
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Originally Posted by RevdKathy View Post
Ohh Good call! Last sent tweet, too?

Yes yes excellent!
Posts: 329 | Thanked: 142 times | Joined on Oct 2009
Hi there, just 2 things:
*maybe it would be a good idea to keep the list in the first post (which, iirc, is where good ideas are added) in alphabetical order, to make it easier to find things
*can anyone point me in the right direction for getting started on maemo widget programming? i have some programming knowledge and some spare time and i'd like to give a hand, but i know nothing about coding for maemo; a pm would be nice and easier for me to find. Thanks!
Posts: 15 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Oct 2009
There's no way to do a movie Upcoming Releases where it can b the pic of the movie an the countdown or something¿?¿¿ and amazon Widget where they put the bestseller from what tipe articule we want I don't know
lcuk's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Cinderella17 View Post
There's no way to do a movie Upcoming Releases where it can b the pic of the movie an the countdown or something¿?¿¿
perhaps have a tie in with Transmission client
liqbase sketching the future.
like what i say? hit the Thanks, thanks!
Posts: 739 | Thanked: 114 times | Joined on Sep 2009
How about a widget that show photos like they did on the iPod or know the scrolling view?? Yea!
Posts: 100 | Thanked: 17 times | Joined on Oct 2009
I'm interested in someone making an "Expenses Widget" for the N900 and was wondering who else would want this?
I was hoping if someone would be interested enough to make one. It would be really simple, with fields such as:

Description: (Type what the expense is)
Money Spent
Group: (This would be an optional field to fill, so that maybe you can add up the specific group to see how much you spend on a certain category ie. transportation, alcohol, food). Symbian has an expense calculator app but I feel its quite shitty because it FORCES you to choose a group and that can get tedious.

Thanks a lot! If anyone would want more fields please feel free to add onto my suggestions.

fremantle, requests, widgets

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