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Hi everybody,
Audi A3 2010 with RNS-E with bluetooth preparation, phone N900.
It works great for me following the steps of post 70 (with Obex 0.28)!
I tried with Obex 0.29 but it didn't work at all anymore.
So I downgraded to version 0.28, I have all my contacts, they appear on the head when I receive or give a phone call, it's awesome!!!
The received and composed numbers are wrong, but I don't care!
I'll keep in touch to look if there are interesting updates, but I really don't see what I could be looking forward now!

Again, Thank you all, you really did an amazing job!


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Originally Posted by jarmo2 View Post
Loukkis, sorry to say. but it looks like your car kit does not support pbap :-(

Went through your dump and pbap is advertised, but not acted upon.

Thanks Jarmo for looking into this. It's seems, that my beloved BMW needs software update..
Posts: 23 | Thanked: 27 times | Joined on Jul 2010 @ Delft, Netherlands
Originally Posted by jarmo2 View Post
Sorry Tuxy!

My latest report was totally BS. Telephone numbers are now ok, but contacts with large pictures are ignored. So if one could just add one extra option --nopbappictures, which would drop the pictures, this would work 100% for me.

X1 BMW report is coming.

Thank you all! We have almost tacked this problem!
I don't think there is a need for such an option, as obexd should only send the parameters the carkit asks for. The reason you see picture references now is that the workaround I use ignores the carkit filter information and just sends all data.

Or, wait, does your carkit ask for pictures? Are they displayed? If so, I can look into that.

Currently I use a test environment using the pbap-client python script, so I can finally test without my carkit. Hope to have a proper implementation of the phonebook pull soon.

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I finally found the time to run hcidump with the car-kit of my Toyota Prius MY 2010. Actually, I ran it twice.

First time using the obexd package ver 0.28 - I can't quite remember in which post I found that. Second time using the obexd binary compiled by tuxy - see post #179.

I turned on the car, paired the N900 with the car-kit, tried to transfer the phone-book to car-kit, dialed a number through the car-kit, tried phone-book transfert again.

No joy, no contacts transferred to my car-kit.

By reading the dump, I think that the N900 sent a few contacts, but they are not received by the car-kit.

The last vcard sent is broken right after "VCARDBEGIN:VCARD". Also there seems to be a CR-LF sequence between "VCARD" and "VERSION:2.1", so the first vcard looks like this:
FN:Surname Name
It continues at the new line after "VERSION:2.1".

Any ideas?

Thanks for your help anyway!!!

Last edited by lore; 2010-07-20 at 19:19.
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Just to let the people know witch carkit i found working.
I still got the obex file from puxy i believe.

I first got a bury cc9055 carkit, and tried everything what was posted here with files. No luck at all.
Now i have a bury cc9056 carkit and i got name's. I haven't got the time to check all, but al the list are full.
The recieved/transmid list are working without name's
So that's 1 i found working with some tweaking.


Last edited by Tiniduske; 2010-07-26 at 22:44.
Posts: 23 | Thanked: 27 times | Joined on Jul 2010 @ Delft, Netherlands
Originally Posted by lore View Post
I finally found the time to run hcidump with the car-kit of my Toyota Prius MY 2010. Actually, I ran it twice.

First time using the obexd package ver 0.28 - I can't quite remember in which post I found that. Second time using the obexd binary compiled by tuxy - see post #179.

I turned on the car, paired the N900 with the car-kit, tried to transfer the phone-book to car-kit, dialed a number through the car-kit, tried phone-book transfert again.

No joy, no contacts transferred to my car-kit.

By reading the dump, I think that the N900 sent a few contacts, but they are not received by the car-kit.

The last vcard sent is broken right after "VCARDBEGIN:VCARD". Also there seems to be a CR-LF sequence between "VCARD" and "VERSION:2.1", so the first vcard looks like this:
FN:Surname Name
It continues at the new line after "VERSION:2.1".

Any ideas?

Thanks for your help anyway!!!
Checked your bt-dump with wireshark, and it doesn't show the CR/LF bytes between the vcards the binary from post 179 puts in the stream. You probably got your binaries mixed up.
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See attached my latest version for /usr/lib/obex/obexd on the N900.

In this version:
1. vcards are properly separated by CR/LF
2. multiple (TEL) entries are included in the vcards
3. only entries the client (carkit) asks for are returned

Note that this version only differs from the earlier workaround version by solving problem 3.

One issue remains: my carkit (Peugeot Connect Nav) lists every contact twice. Anyone with the same problem?

I found my carkit asks for two different phonebooks: SIM1/telecom/pb and telecom/pb. The N900 (with the ebook backend) sends the same contacts for both requests, leading to duplicate contacts.
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I guess that you forgot to attach the new file?
Posts: 23 | Thanked: 27 times | Joined on Jul 2010 @ Delft, Netherlands
Originally Posted by tuxy View Post
See attached my latest version for /usr/lib/obex/obexd on the N900.

In this version:
1. vcards are properly separated by CR/LF
2. multiple (TEL) entries are included in the vcards
3. only entries the client (carkit) asks for are returned

Note that this version only differs from the earlier workaround version by solving problem 3.

One issue remains: my carkit (Peugeot Connect Nav) lists every contact twice. Anyone with the same problem?

I found my carkit asks for two different phonebooks: SIM1/telecom/pb and telecom/pb. The N900 (with the ebook backend) sends the same contacts for both requests, leading to duplicate contacts.
Edit: solved the duplicate phonebook issue by returning an empty phonebook when SIM1/telecom/pb is queried. See attachments: obexd binary and the phonebook-ebook.c file containing all changes.
Attached Files
File Type: gz obexd.gz (148.2 KB, 224 views)
File Type: gz phonebook-ebook.c.gz (3.6 KB, 99 views)

Last edited by tuxy; 2010-07-21 at 10:03.

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Posts: 23 | Thanked: 27 times | Joined on Jul 2010 @ Delft, Netherlands
Originally Posted by jarmo2 View Post

I guess that you forgot to attach the new file?
I'm getting old

Added attachment to original post, thanks.

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