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Next to lacking XMPP, SIP seems to be a missing core function.
I trust Jolla is working on it to gain my continuous support and to lift Sailfish as the best mobile telecom OS

Meanwhile does anybody care to test if SIP for "there-must-be-an-app -for-that-Android" works?

The csipsimple program is pretty clean and no Playstore needed.

My thanks

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From everything I've read so far, MMS is the only thing that concerns me. I wasn't aware that N9 came without MMS initially. I did know about the iPhone.
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Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
Not a complaint, but an observation... original iPhone came without MMS support. Same as the N9. I wonder if MMS is just overlooked - as well as a few other things. Anybody see other overlooked things that are also part of initial mobile OS releases?
Just another observation: at least where I live MMS is very expensive in comparison to sending an email, so to be honest I never ever used it. Perhaps only a few folks actually utilise that service? In contrast, SMS is pretty much the same in terms of email being a lot better, but because it's often unlimited or you get a fair amount of them in your plan, it is widely used _except_ in Japan for example where they always used email :-)

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Originally Posted by w00t View Post
Anything in particular standing out?
I'd love to have MMS support in Jolla.
Please, please, pretty please?
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Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
I wonder if MMS is just overlooked - as well as a few other things.
This is just a general comment, but it does involve MMS. This is also a personal statement, not something necessarily company-endorsed.

Shipping a working mobile OS is already a lot of work. The more features you add, the more work is involved - but the amount of people you have to split that work in our case is quite constant (and the lesson enshrined by the "mythical man month" is that adding a bunch more people won't necessarily solve that problem any more quickly - it may make the situation worse, even).

So you have three essential parameters you can tweak: features (+/-), quality (+/-), schedule (+/-). Pick any two.

We chose to ship something that we hope is of an acceptable quality on our target schedule, and look at adding more features through software updates. Hopefully when we look back at this in 6 months, that'll seem like a good choice.
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Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
Not a complaint, but an observation... original iPhone came without MMS support. Same as the N9. I wonder if MMS is just overlooked - as well as a few other things. Anybody see other overlooked things that are also part of initial mobile OS releases?
I may be wrong, but the N9 had MMS support from the start.

The N900 however came without, but then there was this excellent Application named fMMS from frals which closed this gap.

Anyway, I also miss MMS support and would love to see that added soon.

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Missing MMS can rise so much more passion compared to SIP and XMPP.
Seems priority goes to entertainment rather than hardcore communication features here.
I have always regarded MMS as an expensive gimmick that briefly accompanied the first camera phones of which the pictures quality was hardly usable for "look I am really here" type of picture messages.

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