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Originally Posted by Lumiaanalfissure View Post
I DO NOT WANT a device that I need to mod, patch, reboot, re-flash, open X-terminal and write a script
You remind me of a pvssyfart.
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Originally Posted by daperl View Post
You remind me of a pvssyfart.
You are idiot proof in your responses.
Posts: 131 | Thanked: 62 times | Joined on Feb 2010

I like the way you thinly veiled the characters there to disguise your true meaning.

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Originally Posted by Lumiaman View Post
Now comes the hard part: who will be the new leader
During the time Elop has been totally wrecking NOKIA's handset business Ranjeev Suri has taken NSN from problem child to profitability. He should be in with a shout.
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Originally Posted by Lumiaman View Post
Idiot proof is what 99.9% want.
99.9% of idiots agree.
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Originally Posted by uTMY View Post
The very fact that you call them "idiot proof" is proof enough.
I guess for me, that term has no real bad connotation attached to it whatsoever. Being "idiot proof" just means that even the lowest common denominator could use your product.

What I (oddly) do have a negative connotation for - "It just works". That mix of marketing BS and outright lie enrages me like no other.
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All customers are Customers.

Not all Customers have the same requirements.

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Originally Posted by uTMY View Post
All customers are Customers.

Not all Customers have the same requirements.
And not all customers want what you want or think like you. So with that you have to hit an array of wants and needs. I will not dispute what I said, it's my opinion as you have yours. And that's another thing that customers possess.

I was merely talking about one simple thing, the connotation of the aforesaid phrase, "idiot proof" - care to answer exactly why you've chosen to take offense with such a widely used term in most English speaking cultures?
Posts: 131 | Thanked: 62 times | Joined on Feb 2010
Because it is demeaning and derogatory towards Customers.



"idiot proof" defines all the customers as idiots and that all the customers have the same requirements, the lowest common denominator.

It is precisely because Customers have diverse requirements that makes OpenSource so flexible and beautiful.

It is one of my primary reasons for choosing the N900 and Maemo.

Windows phone would seek to take that choice away, therefore it can only serve the "lowest common denominator".

Last edited by uTMY; 2013-11-24 at 22:39.
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Originally Posted by uTMY View Post
Because it is demeaning and derogatory towards Customers.
Says who? I disagree and I've stated exactly why. Care to do the same?

"idiot proof" defines all the customers as idiots and that all the customers have the same requirements, the lowest common denominator.
That's your understanding of that phrase, not mine. We're just going to have to see this differently.

And sorry, after so many years of being a programmer, designer, consultant and interactive director; not all folks benefit from open source. I do, you apparently do; however it's not the answer to everyones problems. In fact, it creates new problems in some cases.

It is one of my primary reasons for choosing the N900 and Maemo.
Care to answer why many more chose otherwise? In fact, care to speculate why many folks chose Maemo/MeeGo? In the past, it's not been for the very same reasons as you've stated.

I get it. You know your reasons why you've chosen something and you've taken offense to the term "idiot proof" yet you're not the only person that can think otherwise. You've never said that - I don't think you'll commit to anything as definite as that - but in the end, many people have many different requirements and needs. Your reasoning is quite far from my reasoning. I chose open source for very different reasons than yours. Same for Maemo too. Very different reasons.

Windows phone would seek to take that choice away, therefore it can only serve the "lowest common denominator".
Now you sound like Stallman here and that's a very good thing. The lack of choice is a limiting factor that this closed source software imposes upon people.

Thinking that your way is the only way is equally imposing. I'm out to avoid both in the future.

bring me beer, downward spiral, elop is nero, let's talk bs, lumiadickweed, lumiatard, nero fiddling, nokia bears, nokiastockrock, thanks for asha

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