Posts: 86 | Thanked: 8 times | Joined on May 2010
0.4.4 is working OK for me, thanks!
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Originally Posted by Advanced SystemUI: todo
show[... the] IP address?
ICD has a nice D-Bus method for this: dbus-send --print-reply --system /com/nokia/icd

handle notifications and alarm stuff that was done by systemui (need to find information)
I've figured out part of the puzzle: SystemUI has a plugin for an alarm dialog that is only shown if invoked through D-Bus. has a header file describing the two D-Bus methods you have to implement.

alarmd (grab its source and look at the file rpc-systemui.c) is the one that invokes the alarm_open D-Bus method.

I stopped SystemUI and wrote a quick "program" that took OSSO-SystemUI's name; I then set an alarm while the device was on and got it to print the following:
Nokia-N800-43-7:~# /dbus-demo-server
, cb_path: /com/nokia/alarmd
, cb_iface:
, cb_method: action_dbus_return
, mode: 0
, message:
, sound: file:///usr/share/sounds/ui-clock_alarm.mp3
, image: qgn_list_hclk_alarm
, title: {osso-clock,cloc_ti_alarm_notification_title,{osso-clock,cloc_ap_clock_name}}
, time: 1292749440
I don't know how device wake-ups are handled but I suspect it's something to do with /etc/init.d/osso-systemui-early and something called "actingdead"

Last edited by jstokes; 2010-12-19 at 09:42.

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New test binary.

ASUI can now disable the keys so the blank "locked" window isn't needed when the screen is on but locked and ASUI isn't open. I also added the "unlocked" blank window back in and changed all the code related to it. Not sure why, but screen taps are caught by the blank window and also passed through to the window below it, always. Key presses are caught and don't propogate through.

@tso, can you let me know if the blank window gets stuck open?
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will do, tho it may take some time.
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ok, did a quick test leaving gjeweled open while the device timed out the screen. No sign of the "unlocked" window after tapping the screen awake.
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i wonder if the issue is that i have gotten into the habit of waking the device with a quick push of the power button even if it is not locked, only idled.
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New test binary catches the wakeup tap on the "unlocked" window and also opens the "unlocked" window if ASUI is started/restarted while the screen is off and start_visible is unset.

i wonder if the issue is that i have gotten into the habit of waking the device with a quick push of the power button even if it is not locked, only idled.
You 're still getting the "unlocked" window bug? I wasn't closing it when the power button was pressed but the binary you currently have does close the "unlocked" window on power button press.
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going to test the new one but yes, including one where it would block screen taps but allow hardware keys.
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Originally Posted by tso View Post
going to test the new one but yes, including one where it would block screen taps but allow hardware keys.
What did you do to get it?
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problem is that i am not sure.

bada blows, bada rox

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