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, 02:00
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@ italy
Try some more explanation marks. Maybe a bigger font. In my experience, the more upset and demanding you get, the more people want to help you.
Seriously, just half a page ago we were talking about trying to figure out how to do what you're talking about. Right now, you can't. Wonko, skykooler, or someone else (me if I can figure it out quickly enough) will probably figure out how to use the standard theme icon within a few days. Might take longer, if the people who do know how to do what has to be done with Cairo don't get around to it, and I don't figure it out that quickly.
Until then, either live with it, figure out the python code yourself, or uninstall and wait until this is added. It's only a red dot instead of the normal theme icon. It's not going to kill you if you have to put up with it for a few days.
, 05:45
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@ italy
, 06:13
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@ Florida
Hmmm... Not quite large enough. Try to mix in the bold tag.MAYBE LIKE THIS???
Yes. If you had understood my sentences properly, you would've realized that that's going to be an option eventually too. (Because the only difference is a custom theme either overrides the normal icon, or puts the custom icons somewhere else predictable. And because of that, we can set up the script to check for a file at one location, then check for it at another location, and so on, with the stock system one being the 'fallback'. It'll take a while, but I'm sure it will get done.I wanna have my icons style not yours!
You're welcome.thanks...
Binary... elf? Ummm... Binary...i cant remove that icon becouse is builded in the binary elf???
Either you're talking about or you're referring to elves, composed in some way out of binary...something.
You can 'remove' the icon in three ways:
1. Uninstall the plugin. Then you can stare at your non-customizable clock and marvel at how much less you'd have on your N900 if people didn't go out of their way to put their spare time into writing free useful things.
2. By unchecking the "Show Alarm Indicator" in the settings. Yes, it won't show if you have an alarm enabled next to your clock, but if the red dot bothers you so much, there you go.
3. Figuring out the from_png/matrix stuff for Cairo, and EDITING THE file. It's not a binary. As is written in the original post, this is written in Python. Python, while it CAN be compiled, usually runs uncompliled. Which means you can edit the files you need to change, restart the program if you have it running.
So yeah. Either one of those three, or you wait until someone else does it.
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, 06:17
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@ italy
Typed something else, posted, saw your "I was just kidding reply", and decided that everything I said was unnecessarily hostile.
I'll leave it here because I am a fan of openness and honesty, but keep in mind your "I'm just kidding thing" made me take back all of it.
Anyway, onto your latest post.
The actual code as is doesn't use any picture file. It uses Cairo to just draw a red circle (or any other shape or color if you mess with the code enough). (See posts on the last few pages to see some details.)
I don't personally remember off the top of my head where system and theme overriding icons go, I listed on the last page where the system alarm indicator icon is stored, and I just don't know where the theme icons go. But it shouldn't be too hard to figure out that part (it's gotta be documented somewhere), once I/someone else implements the actual "use this picture here" part of the code.
, 07:01
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@ Florida
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, 10:11
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i was just kidding can you tell me the PNG path that i gotta keep to change this? yesterday i made a custom rom (bkupmenu file) and... i wanna have the original Bell that i had last time i searched in all optfs and rootfs for the red circle... i did'nt find nothing like this... i miss my bell
, 12:10
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cp /usr/share/icons/hicolor/14x14/hildon/general_alarm_on.png /home/user/MyDocs
The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Wonko For This Useful Post: | ||
, 15:51
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Just delete the ".txt" and put in the same folder as the other clocks. (/opt/maemo/usr/lib/advanced-clock-plugin/clocks/ - remember you have to be root to save there)
It's a mix of messy and okay code-wise. I left the copyright part as just Wonko's; I didn't change enough to bother adding my name.
If you look, all I did was change the text resizing values to those of the Digital Clock, commented out some of the lines, and edited one or two more, changing some variable names/order/position of things, etc.
You can delete the commented out lines without worrying about it (unless you want to add the year later). As is, it just doesn't show the year at all, and if you change it to twelve hour mode, the PM/AM appears after the date. The font size is pretty big by default, but that's what the scaling value is there for. If you want it much smaller, but want it centered instead of pinned down, just edit the 'move_to' line in the draw_clock section (and anywhere else they exist). Edit the second value, 35, to something smaller. For text, this determines where the bottom of the text is pinned to. 16±1 is about where the center of the box is. So ~25 or so might be a good spot if you shrink it... Depending on how much you shrink it of course.