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Originally Posted by solbrit View Post
Okay, getting desperate here. Trying to run the SDK on Debian Wheezy.
Sailfish SDK Alpha 1312 works on Debian Wheezy LXDE.
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This Sailfish SDK update doesn't have a new download, it installs inside the SDK.

[SailfishDevel] SailfishOS SDK January update available today.
Jarko Vihriala jarko.vihriala at
Wed Jan 15 15:24:18 UTC 2014

Hello again,

Today at 16:00 UTC we are publishing a little update on SailfishOS SDK. The update itself touches only the Build Engine.

What you need to do is to boot up the Build Engine after the updates have been published (i.e. click the sdk icon in Qt Creator) and wait 10 minutes while it refreshes its repositories. Then access the SDK Control Center Updates view and you should see that Engine updates are available.

Release note:
- SDK Control Center

* - Download and reinstall build targets (i.e.) sysroots. This is done using the new pull-down menu called 'Pre-configured targets' in 'Targets' view of Control Center.

* - Provide a tool to verify that basic submission criterias are fulfilled with Harbour intake requirements. This is done from the new view called 'Harbour Tools' in Control Center.

If you have any questions, you can either send email to this mailing list: devel at or write it up on and tag your issue with 'sdk'.

Happy hacking,
Jolla SDK Team.
Python, C/C++, Qt and CAS developer. For Maemo/MeeGo/Sailfish :
Integral, Derivative, Limit - calculating mathematical integrals, derivatives and limits. SymPy - Computer Algebra System.
MatPlotLib - 2D & 3D plots in Python. IPython - Python interactive shell.
-- My blog about mobile & scientific computing ---
Sailfish : Sony Xperia X, Gemini, Jolla, Jolla C, Jolla Tablet, Nexus 4. Nokia N9, N900, N810.
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Another Sailfish SDK update in January, which is installed inside the SDK :
[SailfishDevel] SailfishOS SDK January update 2 available today
Juha Kallioinen juha.kallioinen at
Tue Jan 28 11:06:29 UTC 2014


another minor update to the SDK Build Engine was released today.

The update concerns again only the SDK Control Center, which gets some performance improvements, layout changes and provides a "Check for updates now" button in the Updates page.

You should see updates available for the Build Engine in the SDK Control Center Updates tab after your build engine has been running about 10 minutes. Please do not visit the Updates tab before the 10 minutes has passed, otherwise the updates will show up later. The 'Check for updates now' button was put there to avoid this wait period in the future.

As always, if you have any questions, you can send email to this mailing list <mailto:devel at> or write it up on and tag your issue with 'sdk'.

Happy hacking,
Jolla SDK Team.
There is also an update for rpmvalidator package :

this could have been some temporary cache hiccup. The rpmvalidator
package was also updated to version "sdk-harbour-rpmvalidator-1.4-10.7.1.jolla.noarch". The previous package version was what your error message shows.

I neglected to mention in my original message that also the rpmvalidator package was updated. It has been already updated a couple of times since its first release and we don't plan to announce each and every update of the script.

This is the script you can run from the "Harbour Tools" tab in the SDK
control center and unless you disable the updates from that tab, the
script is always updated to the latest available when it's run.

FYI: if you plan to send your packages to Harbour for acceptance, it's
wise to enable updates and run the validator tool just before sending in
case the script (and possibly some acceptance criteria) has been updated.

Best regards,
Python, C/C++, Qt and CAS developer. For Maemo/MeeGo/Sailfish :
Integral, Derivative, Limit - calculating mathematical integrals, derivatives and limits. SymPy - Computer Algebra System.
MatPlotLib - 2D & 3D plots in Python. IPython - Python interactive shell.
-- My blog about mobile & scientific computing ---
Sailfish : Sony Xperia X, Gemini, Jolla, Jolla C, Jolla Tablet, Nexus 4. Nokia N9, N900, N810.

Last edited by rcolistete; 2014-01-28 at 16:48.

The Following User Says Thank You to rcolistete For This Useful Post:
Posts: 958 | Thanked: 483 times | Joined on May 2010
folks - how do i Qt Creator to deploy to the actual Jolla device? I have already configured Tools->Options->Devices. i selected
1. Add
2. Select "Generic Linux Device" (I only see option for this and "Mer Emulator Device")
3. Configured the options for IP address, user name, etc.

Then I tested the configuration by clicking on "Test" button on the right. Test works / passes successfully.

Now how do I deploy my sample project to the phone? each time i try to deploy it says "Could not connect to SailfishOS Emulator Virtual Machine".


Last edited by droll; 2014-02-07 at 02:06.
Posts: 84 | Thanked: 79 times | Joined on Dec 2013
I don't remember the specifics, but you have to add your device under tools->options->devices.
Posts: 958 | Thanked: 483 times | Joined on May 2010
tried that. i have it added already but everytime i compile and deploy, it always targets the emulator. how do i change that?
Posts: 80 | Thanked: 51 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Finland
As I have understood it will always require working emulator to compile and build packages / binaries. After that you can make it automatically deploy rpm or binaries to actual device.

To enable possibility to deploy to device you need to have kit defined under projects where actual device is defined as Device.

More professionals can correct in case I'm talking ********. But this is how I use it
Posts: 84 | Thanked: 79 times | Joined on Dec 2013
Under the projects tab, you choose your build and run target.

There's two "emulators" or virtual machines. One build engine that's running mer; that one is required. And one sailfish emulator, that's not necessary.
Posts: 951 | Thanked: 2,344 times | Joined on Jan 2012 @ UK
-First of all you don't add Generic Linux Device but add Mer ARM Device Tools->Options->Devices->Add

-Your PC needs to be on 192.168.2.X sub domain, thus your local IP need to begin with 192.168.2.

- In project tabs you will need to add a MerSDK_SailfishOS_armv7hl kit if not already there

- And then pick deployment target like on the image below

If I get some time I will make a full guide

The Following User Says Thank You to mariusmssj For This Useful Post:
Posts: 84 | Thanked: 79 times | Joined on Dec 2013
Originally Posted by mariusmssj View Post
-Your PC needs to be on 192.168.2.X sub domain, thus your local IP need to begin with 192.168.2.
To clarify, that's for the the usb device. You probably do not want to change your LAN address.

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