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Originally Posted by ukki View Post
Disabling it from the video chat app's options menu doesn't help? It doesn't start when I open my camera.
it does, until you reboot the device for some reason...
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I don't think it will get addressed officially, since it is a problem with the discontinued N800. There's no "open camera" event on the N810.
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heh, i worry about that as well.

i just wish it was simpler to add stuff to the boot in sysv...
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In the thread it mentions svg.png as preferred. But the sketch files (home/user/.liqbase/sketches if memory serves) do not open up after renaming with .svg.png .svg or .png postfix. Also tried renaming to bmp jpg gif & tif with no luck. They look like vector files with co-ords inside. Also looked at the code for the liqriver.php page mentioned here and those are referring to svg files.

1- What format are these files?
2- What viewer can be used to open them outside liqbase?
3- What utility/app can be used on Windows to convert them to other formats?

Q. 3 is the crucial one, I know already:
png image saving
I have (finally) added png image saving
It doesn't do anything spectacular, but allows a screenshot or photo to be taken by pressing the hardware [FullScreen] key

P.S. If the toolbars on the right of the drawing screen could collapse to a small icon, and slide in/expand/re-appear if clicked, then all of the precious small screen space could be used.

Last edited by TheOne; 2009-03-05 at 14:11.
lcuk's Avatar
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Originally Posted by TheOne View Post
1- What format are these files?
they are small custom vector files.

Originally Posted by TheOne View Post
2- What viewer can be used to open them outside liqbase?
at the moment liqbase only.

Originally Posted by TheOne View Post
3- What utility/app can be used on Windows to convert them to other formats?
there is no released windows app which can read them at this time.

the new release of liqbase is coming.
It remains compatible with the existing sketches (though also adds new features to those sketches - background image/color and history primarily)
I will also ensure there is an export facility to save as SVG (and maybe other types), the basic code is simple and already exists on the website (I have a converter)

as for a windows viewer/editor, that is a different task and one that may emerge if my next step works as expected (I do have a viewer, but its not the complete liqbase experience and has no way to know which files without being explicitly pointed somewhere.

Originally Posted by TheOne View Post
more than welcome, I'm enjoying coding this - it feels like I have got my teeth into something

Originally Posted by TheOne View Post
P.S. If the toolbars on the right of the drawing screen could collapse to a small icon, and slide in/expand/re-appear if clicked, then all of the precious small screen space could be used.
i have a few ideas about this that I'm trying to make work.
lots of people have asked for extremely varying things.
there is no way I can have a 1 size fits all UI for users and think I have a way to make everyone happy.
liqbase sketching the future.
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Thanks for the replies Gary. A command line batch converter on N8x0 or Windows based on your existing engine will suffice. I have a list of possible features but limited it to the collapsible toolbar for a good reason. You have a good natural feel for visuals and UI and that's why liqbase is popular. You should never stop listening to that little voice. Alongside the web browser and streamtuner (shoutcast search facility), liqbase is in my top 3 due to the reader and specially the drawer/grafitti wall. I presume in the next version double clicking on a floating mosaic tile will open it up. When can we exppect the first release?

Thanks again for your inspired work, much appreciated.
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the first release won't be a release but a specific alpha beta cycle in the coming weeks.
I'm still not getting as much time as I would like to work on everything so things aren't quite ready just yet.

I have currently got an awful lot of the core system now in the more expandable framework but there are a few things I need to go back over.
liqbase sketching the future.
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That's good news. Thanks,
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I've been dying to check out the new liqbase... Can we expect an alpha or beta soon, Gary? Or am I really out the loop and is it already here?
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Originally Posted by Aisu View Post

I've been dying to check out the new liqbase... Can we expect an alpha or beta soon, Gary? Or am I really out the loop and is it already here?
here you go

its still very very raw and is nowhere near complete, but the feeling is starting to come back
a quick peek into the building site.

im still quite a long way from a release but, well i'm working my fingers to the bone

just extract this on your device somewhere executable and run the dodgy ./ shell script within
it copies the library to usr/lib and runs the binary with only a few required items.
if you load the whole binary in one go it loads too many items for a single screen and it runs really poorly cos it has to do so much.

run in performance cpu mode - this version doesn't try to upgrade itself yet.
in the console as root:
echo performance >/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor

or original liqbase has a visual api to set this
liqbase sketching the future.
like what i say? hit the Thanks, thanks!

Last edited by lcuk; 2009-05-19 at 22:51.

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