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A first (clear) picture of the connections?

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Originally Posted by Tujutzki View Post
A first (clear) picture of the connections?
"Today my other half is pink" and tomorrow it has grown pink hair...

To me the said connections look nothing more than batter / antenna or USB at best.
I was expecting some kind Jolla bus.

And the other half, well hat is just a plastic Chinese cover.
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At Finnish YLE:

Jollan puhelin myyntiin tänään – "Ei tule pärjäämään yksin"

Rough English translation, you can blame me on translation errors:

Jolla phone on sale today - "Will not do on its own"

Today Jolla launches its first phone and is planning to sell hundreds of thousands of phones during the first year. Now the challenge for a small Finnish company will be the marketing. The company will not stand up on its own.

[intro text for the video] Jolla, founded by ex Nokia people, will bring its first phones to the market. What they look like, and can they challenge? And how the land lies on Finnish phone and mobile know-how? At the Morning TV Jolla's CEO Timo Pienimäki and IT network professor Jukka Manner from Aalto University discussed about the future of Finnish mobile industry. Video: Yle

Wednesday afternoon, history will be made at Narinkkatori, when for a long time there will be a new Finnish mobile phone at the market whose brand is not the familiar Nokia.

At the mobile phone company Jolla's launch event the first 450 preorderers will receive the long-awaited phone on their hands.

After Nokia's final decision last week to sell its phone division Jolla is now on almost the only flag bearer of the domestic phone design.

And the challenge is great.

- So far the challenge for Jolla has been the development, but now the challenge will be finding a market to achieve sales. It is by no means easy field. Faced with the big players like Google, Apple and Microsoft, and there are also newer small companies like Mozilla and Ubuntu coming to the market, research director Jyrki Ali-Yrkkö from the Research Institute of the Finnish Economy ETLA is analyzing.

The small company's goal for this year is to sell twenty thousand phones. Within a year, the target is about two hundred thousand phones.

Initially, the market is Finland, later also Europe and China. With the pursued sales volume Jolla would still be a very small player in a huge market.

Jolla CEO Tomi Pienimäki believes that there is however strength in small size.

- Yes, there is always room for challengers in all markets. It is the law of nature, which applies to all industries. We are a small company and it means our cost structure is very light. This in turn means that we do not, of course, need to achieve impossible large volumes, so that the business will be profitable.

Close Co-operation

Alone, the mobile newcomer is not expected to do well on the brutal markets. These days the major mobile phone companies are investing huge amounts of money on marketing, which is often seen directly on the phone sale volumes. A fledgling firm doesn't have that kind of money in its back pocket.

- Own money for the global marketing budget will not be enough. But through co-operation, for example by having operators involved in the activity, you can succeed, ETLA's Ali-Yrkkö sheds light on.

The cooperation has already begun. For example, the telephone operator DNA has been closely involved in the design of the first phone that will be published today. In its own words, DNA has brought the customer's perspective into the product development of the phone.

- Of course business has always risks, but in this case we have tested the phone and found it to be good. We believe that it has a great potential both in Finland and abroad, the phone business director Cedric Kamtsan from DNA says.

Johan Jaakkola
Yle News

Last edited by att; 2013-11-27 at 10:52. Reason: small fixes

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Currently on my way to Helsinki, invited to meet the Jolla crew before the big event, just how the flight is not late.
Amazing free fast Wi-Fi on Norwegian flights!
Proud owner of Jolla phone, number 274.

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I wanna see how much the first one on ebay gets, maybe we could have a sweepstake!
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Originally Posted by bockersjv View Post
Currently on my way to Helsinki, invited to meet the Jolla crew before the big event, just how the flight is not late.
Amazing free fast Wi-Fi on Norwegian flights!
Don't forget to keep your blog updated and enjoy the flight
Posts: 1,400 | Thanked: 3,751 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @ Arctic cold of northern .fi
Same piece on YLE's english news site:

Hmmm. The YLE translator has added 'hopefully' for the sentence about China release. In the original finnish version it was soon/near term/something like that.

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Originally Posted by bockersjv View Post
Amazing free fast Wi-Fi on Norwegian flights!
Damn straight. Love Norwegian!

Where are you flying from?
i'm a Qt expert and former Jolla sailor (forever sailing, in spirit).
if you like, read more about me.
if you find me entertaining, or useful, thank me. if you don't, then tell me why.
bockersjv's Avatar
Posts: 857 | Thanked: 1,206 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Chertsey in the Thames, United Kingdom
Originally Posted by w00t View Post
Damn straight. Love Norwegian!

Where are you flying from?
London Gatwick.
Proud owner of Jolla phone, number 274.
Posts: 228 | Thanked: 137 times | Joined on Jan 2012 @ UK
Originally Posted by bockersjv View Post
Currently on my way to Helsinki, invited to meet the Jolla crew before the big event, just how the flight is not late.
Amazing free fast Wi-Fi on Norwegian flights!
I'm impressed at your commitment, I don't think your mad, even if your wife and kids do. I got the invite, but unfortunately I couldn't get time off work out of other commitments, so I am stuck here in the UK waiting for the deliveries to begin. I'll be following your blog closely this afternoon/evening

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"pretty soon", funniest line, jolla, pipo party, sailfish, tmo red

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