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This may be useful for anyone accessing work email (office365) using sfdroid. My company requires we install Microsoft Intune to check for android compliance, which it does fail. However, making the below changes will allow it to pass and you can enroll and get all the benefits.


Step 1
Under /system/build.prop
Look for
Change to

Rename /system/xbin/su to anything (I named it sux)

You can now enroll your sfdroid android environment.

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Posts: 387 | Thanked: 707 times | Joined on May 2015 @ Italy
I've installed sfdroid on Nexus 5 with CM12 and Sailfish, but when i open it it remains charging with the blue logo and nothing happens, what should i do?
With that port of Sailfish jolla camera doesn't work, i'll try camera+

The Following User Says Thank You to claustn For This Useful Post:
Posts: 387 | Thanked: 707 times | Joined on May 2015 @ Italy
the camera doesn't work with this version, what version + cm do i have to install to makes camera working and sfdroid too?

The Following User Says Thank You to claustn For This Useful Post:
Posts: 635 | Thanked: 1,535 times | Joined on Feb 2014 @ Germany
Have you tried reinstalling the camera app via terminal?

pkcon install jolla-camera
Regarding sfdroid have you added nemo to the net_bt_stack group?

The Following User Says Thank You to mautz For This Useful Post:
Posts: 387 | Thanked: 707 times | Joined on May 2015 @ Italy
Thank you, i've tried now and it remains the same, camera crashes before starting. For sfdroid yes, i've done it but same behavior.
Maybe should i try an older version of Sailfish?
This is

The Following User Says Thank You to claustn For This Useful Post:
Posts: 635 | Thanked: 1,535 times | Joined on Feb 2014 @ Germany
You could try the version linked at the first post of this page. If everything works, you could OTA update to or

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Posts: 387 | Thanked: 707 times | Joined on May 2015 @ Italy
Now everything works! Sfdroid too, thank you all to keep alive this project

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Originally Posted by mautz View Post
You could try the version linked at the first post of this page. If everything works, you could OTA update to or
@mautz, have you updated to on your Nexus 5?
Sony Xperia XA2 Ultra SFOS 3 + Sony Xperia X SFOS 3, Nokia N810

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Yes, i installed it on my test partition, despite the known dbus bug, installation wen't fine. But i haven't tested everything, since its only my installation for testing kernels and some other stuff...

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BluesLee's Avatar
Posts: 411 | Thanked: 1,105 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Europe
I am using since several days, coming from 2.0.4.x I thought that the dbus bug should not have any impact on the above OTA upgrade but it took several attempts and a complete night to upgrade, i had to interrupt it, reboot, install the package where it was hanging manually and do a version --dup again.

Do you guys run sfdfoid on cm12.1 + sfos >=2.0.4? I only get the blue cm logo? How can i fix this, i.e. rerun the very first scripts to configure cm (language settings etc)?

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hammerhead, nexus5, sailfishos, sfdroid

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