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Originally Posted by Greyghost View Post
Thanks Zero, I'll study the RTCOMM site later when I'm not at work
RTCOMM was a beta of the SIP/communications stuff that would make it into Chinook (ITOS2008), so there's no need to install anything if you already have 2008 installed.

Originally Posted by Greyghost View Post
Fyi, I do have the 08 beta installed (I think that's why I have the sip option in contact setup, yes?), and with the gizmo install discovered (I think) a SIP number has been assigned for my account, but I just can't figure out how to take the next step. Something about GrandCentral? I 'applied' for an account/number but haven't heard from them yet (it's only been a coupla hours tho).
If you have a Gizmo account, the main important stuff you need to know is on the RTCOMM site. (When you get an account with Gizmo, you're really buying service from If you still need help with it, I can send you my settings (as I use Gizmo too) or you can look for another "Help, Gizmo!" thread that I posted my settings to. Can't remember the title, but I'm called a guru on it. (My wife laughs at that one.)

Originally Posted by Greyghost View Post
Last (dumb) jablet question: How do I enter the account name in the contact setup? I have a field with the jablet server name, but I am not sure what exactly to type in here...just an aim username doesn't seem to work...unless I have the account configured incorrectly?
There's no dumb questions here. The idea was to help newbies get themselves set up with all this.. only problem is that we don't have our newbie-friendly tools finished yet.

I believe the Account Name/Nickname page of the connection wizard might only be in RTCOMM/ITOS2008. Account Name, if you are referring to the same thing I'm referring to, just allows you to assign that particular acccount a name for use on the tablet only. For example, my Jablet account is just called Jablet, but I have another Jabber account that I call Backup. It's mainly used in the Contacts list, where you can divide your users by connection.

Use the tutorial I linked. I know it's not the greatest, but it was something I slapped together in a few minutes.

Don't enter any AIM/MSN/whatever usernames/passwords into your tablet. You have to set that up on a PC (or I can do it for you manually if you send me your username/pass by PM).

All you need to input is the username you registered for on my Jabber server (in my case, jay), the Jabber server address ( and your password. Enter all those in (most of the others aren't important) and you should be able to login.

Let me know if you're still having trouble and I'll walk you through it, step by step until you're done.
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You know what? If anyone's having any real serious problems with getting this working, I can even call you up and we'll sort it out until it works for you. Send me a PM and let me know if you need it.

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Greyghost's Avatar
Posts: 415 | Thanked: 44 times | Joined on Apr 2007 @ Austin, Texas
Wow! Thanks Zero, for the prompt and the most xlnt response... I now have it working!! Again, this is just great stuff! On to Sipphone!
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Originally Posted by zerojay View Post
All your AIM/MSN/Yahoo/etc contacts are pulled down to your tablet without having to manually readd each of them.
Hi Zero,

Well I may have spoken too soon...I don't see exactly where the contacts are 'pulled down' to on the tablet. Do I need to have the PC client running? On the PC side, all my contacts were pulled in, but not on the tablet.

Now I was able to IM between the tablet and the pc, but that was when I set up a contact with the my jabber info in the 'jabber' field...o that didn't make a lotta sense
Posts: 751 | Thanked: 522 times | Joined on Mar 2007 @ East Gowanus
Quick and simple thanks Zerojay this is really handy! I was up and running in less than 5 minutes.
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Originally Posted by Greyghost View Post
Hi Zero,

Well I may have spoken too soon...I don't see exactly where the contacts are 'pulled down' to on the tablet. Do I need to have the PC client running? On the PC side, all my contacts were pulled in, but not on the tablet.

Now I was able to IM between the tablet and the pc, but that was when I set up a contact with the my jabber info in the 'jabber' field...o that didn't make a lotta sense
No, there's no need to have a PC client running other than when you are adding the other IM services after you've signed up. Your contacts should show up under Contacts on the tablet. If it pulled down on your PC client, it should pull down perfectly on the tablet as well. I'm guessing you misconfigured something on your tablet.

Send me a PM and write down exactly what you put down in your Account information on the tablet (go to Control Panel -> Accounts and click on edit... write down everything listed (even in Advanced).

EDIT: Greyghost's Jablet problem's been fixed.

Last edited by zerojay; 2007-11-19 at 21:08.
pixelseventy2's Avatar
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Originally Posted by zerojay View Post
The Jabber server is running on Tektonic, but just trying to add some web stuff was causing some instability. Probably need the next step up.
I seem to remember that openfire was set up out of the box to use a 256mb, which will chew up most of your memory on the bottom tektonic service. You could try dropping that to 128mb max. Let me know if you need help with that.
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Originally Posted by pixelseventy2 View Post
I seem to remember that openfire was set up out of the box to use a 256mb, which will chew up most of your memory on the bottom tektonic service. You could try dropping that to 128mb max. Let me know if you need help with that.
Openfire defaults to 64MB. It was during the time that it was 64MB that we had stability issues with other things. It's been bumped to 200MB.
Toontje's Avatar
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Just signed up and added my accounts. Let's see if this Jabber server is more stable than MANY of the other Jabber Servers out there.

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Originally Posted by Toontje View Post
Just signed up and added my accounts. Let's see if this Jabber server is more stable than MANY of the other Jabber Servers out there.

The only times there have been any downtime or stability problems whatsoever has been when I took the server down myself to make minor configuration adjustments, about 30 seconds of downtime total.

I hear your pain. I've been wanting to have a stable server with all the IM gateways I needed always available and that's part of the reason why I put this up. Hope you enjoy it.

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