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Originally Posted by trantor View Post
You have to enable Redpillmode, then you'll get a new checkbox called "Clear apt cache" in your Programmanager's options dialog. I think this might be the solution.
Yup, that should be it in my case, according to 'the manual':

After activating the red pill mode, the following additional settings are available in "Tools > Settings".


Clean apt cache

If activated, the equivalent of "apt-get clean" is performed after every install or update. (This is the behavior for blue-pill mode.)

Which as I just went into red pill mode and checked, this was turned on (which I turned off) and I will now install something and see if it sticks which I am sure it will.


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Originally Posted by free View Post
The clean way to get the list of installed package and transfer the list to another machine and install this list is with this:
dpkg --get-selections > list.txt

then to sync the list on another device:
dpkg --set-selections < list.txt

Yes, in theory it's as easy as this

So the dpkg --set-selections < list.txt command will install (or attempt to install) everything in the list as it parses it? It would be simple enough for me to pare down this list to just the things I want installed.

Where and how would it try to find the packages?

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Reviving this thread to see if anyone has answers to the above question.
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Originally Posted by tobiasj View Post
Where and how would it try to find the packages?

It will download them from internet...

I repeat one single sentence:

Yes, in theory it's as easy as this
The mentionned method is the way to transpose an installation from one PC to another. For upgrades it's a bit more complicated. If transitions are not thought, then it probably won't work..

Needs to be tested.

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