Poll: What age group are you in?
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What age group are you in?

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iontruo2's Avatar
Posts: 122 | Thanked: 34 times | Joined on Oct 2007 @ Eastern Ontario, Canada
I am 42. Yes I was there playing on the first PET and a Vic20/C64! My goodness, how times have changed in a blink. (lov'n the N800s)
Posts: 12 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on May 2007 @ Pennsylvania
wow, I do feel young again.

I'm 24 and just finishing undergrad, where I feel old since I'm the only one married and with a kid (3 months nows).

As for linux, I've been using compy's since the good ol' Tandy 1000 that my mom couldn't figure out how to turn on and Linux since Redhat 2 or something, but it wasn't til 4 years ago that I started to really like linux, before I just liked the idea of linux.

The best part is I'm a Management major and just accepted my first full time job. Man am I gonna have with IT departments.
Posts: 127 | Thanked: 17 times | Joined on Aug 2007 @ Montreal, Canada
35 y-o French-Canadian

experience with ultraportable computers :

NEC MobilePro 900c
HP Jornada 728
Nokia 770 (you know, the one with the VERY NICE hard cover )

then the n800 (you know, the one without the VERY NICE hard cover )

experience with vintage computers :

Tandy color computer
Commodore 128
DY4 systems (CP/M)
IBM PS2 model 25
IBM XT clone (8088 cpu)

Last edited by smog; 2007-12-20 at 13:48.
Posts: 334 | Thanked: 55 times | Joined on Aug 2007 @ Eastern Ontario, Canada
Ok, I am the oldest slacker (so far) out here - I hit 60 this year.

My first love was the NEAT assembler for an Elliot 4120 (UK machine) using paper tape. Still remember it fondly, very fondly. Anybody out there still got a copy of the little hand-book for the 4120/4130? I'd love to get a scan or p'copy of it.

Then there was a PDP-11/40 with Unix 6th. ed. direct from K & R, then there was kids, and then it was game over.

I am hoping the IT can help me re-connect.
amigokin's Avatar
Posts: 230 | Thanked: 35 times | Joined on Mar 2007
24, but I bought my tablet when I was 23
Hedgecore's Avatar
Posts: 1,361 | Thanked: 115 times | Joined on Oct 2005 @ Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I'm 28 and amazed. I knew we had a diverse community here but never thought about the age gap.

I might be an odd duck, I started on a C64 when I was 3 and called quotes "quilts". ("load quilts star quilts comma 8 comma 1"). First PC was a 286 (with a mighty 80MB HDD) in the late 80s, and then a beastly 486 33/DX with 8MB RAM and a 212MB HDD in 1990 or 1991 (I forget, we could run Wing Commander at high detail). First Linux distro was slackware in ummm... 1994? 1995? Something around there.

I've had more than one grey haired coworker look over their glasses at me wide eyed when they needed to do something in DOS and I start spewing commands like I'd used them every say since the 80s.
timsamoff's Avatar
Posts: 1,605 | Thanked: 1,601 times | Joined on Mar 2007 @ Southern California
Thirty-five-and-a-half (and I can't believe I've been working for over twenty of 'em).

EIPI's Avatar
Posts: 794 | Thanked: 784 times | Joined on Sep 2007 @ /Canada/Ontario/GTA
I'm Thirty-four-and-a-bit. What I found interesting was that I had pre-conceived notions about how old some of you were based upon your posts in other threads, your avatar, and your handle. For instance, GeneralAntilles - I'm surprised to see that you are 20! And Hedgecore, your avatar had me thinking all this time that you're in your 40's. Goes to show that you cannot judge a book by its cover. It also shows that Linux experience, community involvement, and general courtesy towards others on this forum are not necessarily age related. Very nice to see. The future looks bright for the NIT community.

My first computer was the TRS-80, followed by the Tandy 1000. My first calculator was a HP-25. Still use a HP calculator for work, and got my N800 this summer. Linux experience is about 3 years in Fedora and Ubuntu.
deeteroderdas's Avatar
Posts: 274 | Thanked: 62 times | Joined on Jul 2007 @ Helotes, TX
Originally Posted by morrison View Post
Just trying to get an idea of the general age group here and who all uses these devices. I'm in my late 30s
45 here. Another side benefit of owning a NIT is that I have to do a better job of keeping up with my reading glasses .
Mitch Thompson, Helotes, TX USA
N800|2x 16GB SDHC|PDAir case|i737 BT GPS

"There are two major products that come out of Berkeley: LSD and BSD. We don't believe this to be a coincidence. " - Jeremy S. Anderson

Last edited by deeteroderdas; 2007-12-20 at 14:22.
Mara's Avatar
Posts: 1,310 | Thanked: 820 times | Joined on Mar 2006 @ Irving, TX
Turned 38 last month... Sometimes I feel that the smallest font web sites on N800 makes me to go check my vision.... (I do not wear glasses yet.)

My addiction to computers started in high school when we programmed something in Basic using Kaypro Z80 computers having CP/M OS...

Then I bought an Atari 800XL to home. Those were the times when programs were saved to cassette, and I could only dream on upgrading to a 5 1/4 floppy drive...

farting dust

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