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Originally Posted by Ed_ View Post
PinCushionQueen: Thank you very much for the most detailed info in this thread. Now I'm able to reproduce the bug.

I can also confirm luca's observations: apt can install and upgrade packages just fine, problem appears only when upgrading with AM. Looks like it introduces it's own logic in calculating package dependencies. As a result it complains that openssh-common 1:4.6p1-5.maemo3 is missing, when it's installed on the system.

Will see what I can do with this. Thank you guys for your help, I really appreciate it.

Sorry, I could not be more precise than PinCushionQueen. The only difference to her/him: OS2007, always used AM to update.
tobiasj's Avatar
Posts: 241 | Thanked: 74 times | Joined on Jul 2007
I am sure this is just my problem, but ever since I upgraded to this version every time I reboot my N800 I have to stop and restart (as root) openSSH to be able to connect to my tablet. Until I restart openssh I get a connection refused error.

ps -efjc |grep sshd shows:

1497 root 3176 SW /usr/sbin/sshd
1819 root 5784 SW sshd: root@pts/0
1838 root 1884 RW grep sshd

When it is working properly (and connected) having been restarted as ROOT by me.

and shows:

1332 root 1888 RW grep sshd

When I am getting connection refused. If I am not mistaken, it looks like it is running. but I still get connection refused until I restart it..

Anyone seen this before?
Posts: 68 | Thanked: 18 times | Joined on Jan 2008
Can you please take a look into Openssh project - Bug report, maemo garage.

I'm getting very slow connections, not for login, but for command display and execution. i'm using openssh-client on n800 and trying to connect to a router.

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Anyone else have this problem? I'm trying to copy a few hundred megs via scp from my N810 to my PC, but the copy stalls every time. All network conectivity on the N810 is broken until I reboot. Anyone tried large copies via ssh/scp ?
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Posts: 168 | Thanked: 58 times | Joined on Aug 2010 @ Vienna
I just installed
Openssh v5.1p1-6.maemo5
on the N900, it said that it wants a password but I wanted to do something else before.
How can I set this passwd afterwards?
Is it "just" the keygeneration stuff so that I can repeat this with
Posts: 992 | Thanked: 738 times | Joined on Jun 2010 @ Low Earth Orbit
Originally Posted by ME2g View Post
How can I set this passwd afterwards?
Is it "just" the keygeneration stuff so that I can repeat this with
Been a long time since I installed openssh, I'm pretty sure password means password and not keygen. Run "passwd" to change password.

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