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Originally Posted by Architengi View Post
If Maemo supports WebRunTime (WRT), Flash, Java, Qt, C++, Python, I think it is an advantage than just supporting on SDK based on Web like Palm WebOS.
Basically N900 WRT is based on JS/HTML/CSS, isn't it? So I think N900 has more development frameworks for different developers. Not all the developers know all the languages, so they can choose one language that fits them best, isn't it?
I hate to keep sounding like I'm actually against Maemo, I'm not - but having all of those (past/present/future) does not guarantee software will come out for it no matter how much I'd truly love to see it.

More adopters, more apps.
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Originally Posted by ARJWright View Post
While that sounds good in theory, having one language to devolpe for focuses developers on solving problems, not spouting acronyms. It also makes suppirt a lot easier; and forces the hand of innovation to those developers who don't like being told that developing an app in another language is impossible.
The flip side is that you are limiting the number of developers who can code for your platform from day 1 and linking your device to the popularity, branding and abilities of that particular platform, which is a pretty double edged sword.

The term 'devkit' is problematic anyway. The OP has listed languages, application and UI frameworks and whatnot in a single category, that's pretty much apples and oranges there. Especially as Maemo is a full-fledged linux, so listing languages and frameworks is a bit of a hmm.
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Awesome compare, thank you very much Architengi, add Google G1/G2 columns will be perfect.
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I could have guessed the results of the poll from the start, really. I think this forum is a bit biased...

Perhaps the poll should be about which device will be the greatest threat to the N900's impending popularity. That would be a bit more interesting.
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Originally Posted by Bundyo View Post
Just some corrections for the front article.

22. Dev Kits ---- C QT Java WebKit Flash -- C Native ------- WebKit ------- C QT Java WebKit Flash
OS X uses Objective C which is far from C, more like better C++
26. VoIP/Skype ---------------- Y ---------------- N ------------------ N? -------------------- Y
Is the skype in iPhone v3 only after Jailbreak? - software available only after jailbreak or Symbian break/hack etc is not considered because needs the hack - many users cannot afford because of the operator specific software and because many users don't have time or are not power-users to hack the device after every firmware update.

About Objective C - is this the same as OpnStep C or NextStep C?
If yes, this is an advanced OOP but it is different than C++.

So iPhone cannot run C++ programs or Java programs.
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Originally Posted by Architengi View Post
Is the skype in iPhone v3 only after Jailbreak? - software available only after jailbreak or Symbian break/hack etc is not considered because needs the hack - many users cannot afford because of the operator specific software and because many users don't have time or are not power-users to hack the device after every firmware update.

About Objective C - is this the same as OpnStep C or NextStep C?
If yes, this is an advanced OOP but it is different than C++.

So iPhone cannot run C++ programs or Java programs.
Yes, Apple have a habit to offer in AppStore jailbroken applications.

Dunno about those languages, but I didn't say Objective C is C++, I just said it is not C.
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Objective C is a superset of C++ and thus is generally a superset of C. You can add .cpp files directly to your Xcode projects, and I'm guessing the same goes for .c files.

What version it's a superset of is left to the reader.
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Originally Posted by Architengi View Post
Is the skype in iPhone v3 only after Jailbreak? - software available only after jailbreak or Symbian break/hack etc is not considered because needs the hack - many users cannot afford because of the operator specific software and because many users don't have time or are not power-users to hack the device after every firmware update.
Skype works on iPhone. It only does not work with 3G by default. It is illegal, by some contracts, to use VoIP or SIP over 3G. That is an entirely different matter than being allowed to install or use software.

If you call 'jailbreaking' equal to 'power user' then I think 'normal users' aren't able to do much on any device, including using Maemo's Application Manager. Jailbreaking is easy as pie, and the instructions are quite clear.

Legal matter, sure, that might be a valid argument. But most users don't care for that and frankly, I believe I am fully in my right according to law here to jailbreak.

I don't know about C++ applications, but if you have a look in Cydia there are tons of useful applications available on these repositories. To install them is about as easy as using Synaptic or Application Manager.
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Originally Posted by daperl View Post
Objective C is a superset of C++
Not really. Both languages were independent attempts to add object oriented features to C, and they are very different. Language purists seem to thing Objective C, being smaltalk-like in its OO, is much better at it, though in real life it's almost never used outside of NeXTSTEP and derivatives so it's a bit of a moot point.

You can add .cpp files directly to your Xcode projects, and I'm guessing the same goes for .c files.
Historically the C++ ABI has been a mess and it was very difficult to link C++ code with anything. Things are better now, and there's even an "Objective C++" but don't try mixing C++ and Objective C classes, namespaces etc unless you like living in interesting times. Mixing either language with C is much more straightforward of course.

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Originally Posted by lma View Post
Not really. Both languages were independent attempts to add object oriented features to C, and they are very different. Language purists seem to thing Objective C, being smaltalk-like in its OO, is much better at it, though in real life it's almost never used outside of NeXTSTEP and derivatives so it's a bit of a moot point.

Historically the C++ ABI has been a mess and it was very difficult to link C++ code with anything. Things are better now, and there's even an "Objective C++" but don't try mixing C++ and Objective C classes, namespaces etc unless you like living in interesting times. Mixing either language with C is much more straightforward of course.
The documentation and code examples seem to say otherwise. A typical Objective C code file has a .m extension. It seems that Objective C that instantiates C++ classes get a .mm file extension. Maybe that's the trigger for fixing namespaces. I have these examples running on my touch and the .h/.cpp files do contain actual C++ classes. A language isn't a compiler or a linker. I wonder if I'm breaking my iPhone Developer License just talking about this. I hope not 'cause I just became comfortable with Objective-C memory management.


Yes, not to contradict myself too much further, you are right, C++ is not a subset of Objective-C.
N9: Go white or go home

Last edited by daperl; 2009-06-07 at 16:04.

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