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#21 far I haven`t seen ANY video online that can`t play on the N900 (except HD flash and .mu3 apple formats)
qwazix's Avatar
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Talking on this thread is bad practice, how can anybody find a solution to his problem with this title... Anyway I'm going to ask my question as it is relevant but please mods change the title or split the thread.

Anyway I tried to play a video stream (don't remember the exact url now) and the only way I found to be able to force the N900 to even try to play it was via Internet Radio. That doesn't seem too correct to me. Is there another way to make the media player open a link instead of a file?
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Last edited by qwazix; 2011-08-21 at 10:27.
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Originally Posted by zehjotkah View Post
I've asked this in the second post yet...
No answer so far..
Please let us help you, if you want help!
Whoops my bad. Must've missed that
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OK I'll bite with a problem, bit of a threadjack but OP has gone quiet.

On download the free MP4(you have to login).

The link is under "About this video" it's called 14782007.mp4 and is 640x360, 21.37MB

Can't get this to play, I have Extras Codecs installed?

Any ideas? KMPlayer won't play it either?

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the n900 is many things,but it certainly isnt a brick,even tho it can be used as one .So far the n900 has been living up to my expectations,but that depends on each person,because we all have different expectations when it comes to a particular platform.I wanted a device on which i could browse the web,use skype and other IM messengers,as well as watch a movie now and then.On the other hand your expectations might have been completely different.
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uh.....extra decoders support?

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Originally Posted by Duffer View Post
OK I'll bite with a problem, bit of a threadjack but OP has gone quiet.

On download the free MP4(you have to login).

The link is under "About this video" it's called 14782007.mp4 and is 640x360, 21.37MB

Can't get this to play, I have Extras Codecs installed?

Any ideas? KMPlayer won't play it either?

is media plugin command line installed? then chane the km player to media player.
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Just a little comment about the "Linux isn't meant to be simple" kind of attitude coming from a lot of Linux techy folks (far from all though, I am such I guy myself):

If you like your gadget all comments about it being too advanced must be taken very seriously, because no company is going to make a product just for you. Average Joe is what counts.
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Tbh I would expect the default Nokia media software to seek out the correct codecs, and download and install them.

As an end user, rather than a hobbyist or coder, I like stuff to work for me, and I don't like ot part with money for me to have to do all the work.
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Try Mplayer/KMplayer and you should be able to play streaming media just fine.

The stock media player is a total crapshoot when it comes to video in general and utterly useless for playing any non-locally-stored video.

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