Poll: Is the Epic 4G the spiritual successor to the N810?
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Is the Epic 4G the spiritual successor to the N810?

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Posts: 1,213 | Thanked: 356 times | Joined on Jan 2008 @ California and Virginia
Originally Posted by AlMehdi View Post
I would wait until Cortex v9 comes with dual core. Am not sure how it will hold battery though..
Well you can always wait for the next great thing, but then you would always be waiting. And FYI those chips will be more power efficient and more powerful, as they are 28nm scale vs current 45nm or 65nm (I think).

Also I have learned never to trust any company to improve a released product. If you don't like the functionality it has on release day, don't buy it. Sure you can ***** and moan as much as you want the x company sucks, but you still won't get your update... This applies to Nokia, Samsung, everybody...

I hate the fact that it is CDMA, but its a trade off considering I live in a 4G city most of the time and the Epic is the "best" Galaxy S device

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Originally Posted by paulkoan View Post
I can modify for free any GSM 3G capable tablet you may purchase that you would rather not have to give money to telecoms people to use.

I can do it remotely too. Basically it involves not buying or installing a sim card. I'll provide more details about how to do this once you get your tablet
Can you also make it cheaper and lighter, with space for other more useful components, now that you managed to remove the GSM 3G on it? Yanno--that's the whole POINT of wanting a device missing those worthless features like an appendix on an evolved human.
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What? paulkoan, no answer? I thought you could do that remotely too. Hello? I thought so.
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I see, and there was me thinking dogma was the whole point.
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Originally Posted by paulkoan View Post
I see, and there was me thinking dogma was the whole point.
Even if dogma is the point, you appear myopic. The point is to remove the unnecessary and have room for improvements.
Posts: 422 | Thanked: 244 times | Joined on Feb 2008
It is more than myopia, it is blindness. Because in the future that I see, the one that I look toward, connectivity is more, not less. I want everything to be connected to the internet, no matter where it is. My phone, my fridge, my tv, my sunglasses, my car, my bike, the very clothes I am wearing.

I want data access to be ubiquitous, cheap and plentiful.

And you can't win me over no matter how rational your arguments are. Because my short-sighted view demands that improvements come with the retention of functionality and connectivity, not with their absense. Keep the radio, reduce the size, power consumption, increase the speed, but do not remove. Improve.

I am just as dogmatic about this, and as always, an idea that is not put there by logic cannot be removed by logic. So the vision of mobile internet tablets that cannot connect to the internet while mobile will never be one that I can see in my future vision: I am blind.

And I look forward to the day where I sit with my grandkids and tell them that in the olden days, no matter what they see on Get Smart, we weren't able to communicate via our shoes. And they will look back at me like I am a dinosaur and walk away.

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