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lol... come on...
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Originally Posted by NightShift79 View Post
lol... come on...
I'm a jerk. Sorry, couldn't help it for the chuckle.
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Apologies if this has been mentioned before already. I know it's not quite the same, but it's close enough. Like you said, if you have 21 conversation windows open, select one of them, tap the power button and choose "End Current Task" and all 21 conversation windows will close. I know that doesn't affect the other applications open, but it does make it easier :P

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So has anyone tried this script? I've found it pretty handy - especially when run from the power button menu.

Just occasionally it seems to not close certain windows, and I'm wondering if it's related to the assumtion of the 0x00 / 0x01 ID's being system-specific?
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Originally Posted by Crugath View Post
Like you said, if you have 21 conversation windows open, select one of them, tap the power button and choose "End Current Task" and all 21 conversation windows will close.
Does anyone know if that closes the app "nicely", i.e. allows it to finish writing to databases etc.? I've always assumed it was to kill a task that was non-responsive in a possibly destructive manner.
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Originally Posted by jedi View Post

for LINE in `wmctrl -lp `; do
   if [ ${LINE:2:2} -gt 1 ]; then
      PID=`echo "$LINE" | awk '{print $3}'`
      PTITLE=`echo $LINE | awk '{print $5}'`
      echo "Killing $PID ($PTITLE)" 
      kill $PID
How do i save this as a script and run it?

I have saved all that code into a file called "", and tried to run it by typing

cd /home/user/
but i get an error of

Code: line 5: syntax error: Bad substitution
jedi's Avatar
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It's because it's a bash script.

First make sure you have bash installed ("apt-get install bash" when root user).

Then set the exec permission on your file:
chmod +x
Then run it with:
Note: you don't need to be root user to run it.
May the source be with you.
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Have you guys ever thought about a type of Sleep/restore function? A way for the user to easily close all tasks and afterwards just as easily open all tasks again?

I'm no developer so I have no idea if this is even possible but it would be a little like firefox's restore function.

What do you guys/developers think? Is this possible? It could give us a nice boost in battery power at least .
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Originally Posted by danramos View Post
I'm a jerk. Sorry, couldn't help it for the chuckle.
Well, it does work, it works out of the box, and it is rather typical for monolithic OSes and dumb terminals.

If you close all windowed applications you might as well restart your phone. Who says a daemon isn't to blame? Hence, I'd say the right way is to use upstart for this (there isnt a sysvinit).

Originally Posted by Zidust View Post
Have you guys ever thought about a type of Sleep/restore function? A way for the user to easily close all tasks and afterwards just as easily open all tasks again?

I'm no developer so I have no idea if this is even possible but it would be a little like firefox's restore function.

What do you guys/developers think? Is this possible? It could give us a nice boost in battery power at least .
Yes, I did, but GeneralAntilles was of the opinion thats for Intel netbooks since our lil ARM device was 24/7 never going down because it could go into very low power mode.

If you do want to suspend an application you can use kill -19 <pid>, and kill -18 <pid> to continue it.

Now, in theory he had a good point, in practice not since the device can sometimes hardly be up for 6 hours. Even laptops would auto suspend or hibernate when juice is too low.
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Originally Posted by fraaaaanka View Post
typical woman with bad idea .... the shakey option wouldnt work as i listen to music at the gym on my n900

ps only jkin about the typical woman bit!!!!

perhaps long press on camera button when lens cover is closed or an icon on desktop?
dude, really? that was a nasty comment whether you call it a joke or not.

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