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Posts: 58 | Thanked: 31 times | Joined on Nov 2010
Hey there,
do I have to remove the installed power-kernel-version(v47) and install uboot first?

Thanks for any tips, I really want to test meego, but the uboot-version available through the repositories ist only for version46.

Cheers, Blck
Posts: 539 | Thanked: 518 times | Joined on May 2010 @ nanaurbusiness
Here's a small guide to add u-boot to power48.

1st: Download and install all packages from here

dpkg -i kernel-power_1:2.6.28-10power48_armel.deb
dpkg -i kernel-power-modules_1:2.6.28-10power48_armel.deb
dpkg -i kernel-power-flasher_1:2.6.28-10power48_armel.deb
dpkg -i kernel-power-settings_0.12_armel.deb
dpkg -i kernel-power-bootimg_1:2.6.28-10power48_armel.deb
check if it's installed properly with
uname -r
Is should say

Then follow up this little guide (Thx to [DarkGUNMAN] and Fabry's guide of patching power-kernel with u-boot)

Open Terminal:
sudo gainroot
cd /home/user
# Prerequisites
apt-get install -y wget flasher mkimage
#1. Download power kernel deb file from repository and extract fiasco image from it
wget -O kernel-power_2.6.28-10power48_armel.deb
dpkg --fsys-tarfile kernel-power_2.6.28-10power48_armel.deb | tar -xf - boot/zImage-
mv boot/zImage- /home/user/
rm -r boot
rm kernel-power_1:2.6.28-10power48_armel.deb
#2. Download Matan's u-boot from repository (it is named u-boot-for-power-kernel) and extract file image from it
wget -O u-boot-for-power-kernel_1.0_all.deb
dpkg --fsys-tarfile u-boot-for-power-kernel_1.0_all.deb | tar -xf - ./usr/lib/u-boot/u-boot.bin.0x38000/u-boot.bin.0x38000
mv ./usr/lib/u-boot/u-boot.bin.0x38000/u-boot.bin.0x38000 /home/user/vmlinuz-
rm -r usr
rm u-boot-for-power-kernel_1.0_all.deb
#3. Unpack Fiasco image
flasher -u -F zImage-
rm zImage-
#4. Transform zImage in uImage (necessary because u-boot boots Kernel only in uImage file format)
mkimage -A arm -O linux -T kernel -C none -a 80008000 -e 80008000 -n "Power Kernel v48" -d zImage uImage
#5. Add power kernel uImage at end of previous file (starting write at offset 0x38000 aka 448 blocks)
dd if=uImage of=vmlinuz- seek=448
#6. Remove zImage & uImage
rm zImage
rm uImage
#7.1 Flash the kernel
softupd -vv -s --local
#7.2 Open a new terminal (Shift+Ctrl+X) leave other xterm open!!!
flasher --local -f -k /home/user/vmlinuz-
#8. Optional - Multiboot - backup and replace Power48
mv /boot/zImage- /boot/multiboot/vmlinuz-
mv /boot/multiboot/vmlinuz-* /boot/multiboot/vmlinuz-
mv /home/user/vmlinuz- /boot/multiboot/vmlinuz-
#9. Optional - Clean Multiboot Entries
If you have old power47 or double power48 entries
open Filebox and navigate to /etc/multiboot.d to delete the respecting *.item files.

#10. Reboot and watch the !!!

Edit: I coloured the code for whose who don't know what goes together and what not. So, each colored lines are a complete string where to hit 'Enter' after. I left the obvious ones untouched



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Posts: 2,102 | Thanked: 1,937 times | Joined on Sep 2008 @ Berlin, Germany
Originally Posted by blck View Post
Hey there,
do I have to remove the installed power-kernel-version(v47) and install uboot first?

Thanks for any tips, I really want to test meego, but the uboot-version available through the repositories ist only for version46.

Cheers, Blck
What are exactly the benefits of power-kernel v47 for you over v46?
If you just want to try meego, why don't you downgrade your power-kernel to v46, go and see what meego has to offer.
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Everytime I run NITDroid (N12 Gingerbread) it breaks my u-boot.
Posts: 385 | Thanked: 426 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Gothenburg, Sweden
Look, thanks for the guide and all! I know my way around using the command line and even worked with linux for a couple of years. But before using anything like that guide I'd like to have some basic stuff cleared out first.

It's almost unbelievable but I haven't found anywhere anyone that explains what all these boot things are actually doing in detail.

I mean, I was happy to read that if I install kernel power with it's supplied bootimg package, then my guess was that I would be able to multiboot just by doing that. Then I read about this u-boot stuff that I know have been around for a while since the earlier power kernels, that it is obviously needed as well. So what does that provide in comparison with bootimg package? What the hell?

Why do I need the bootimg package, why do I need the u-boot package and why do I need both in order to use multiboot with for instance MeeGo on the SD card.

I know this sounds like like very noob stuff, but I haven't found anywhere here someone explaining the boot process in the N900 and why we need this and that in order to get it to work.
It would be much easier to accept such guides if we understand the reason to what the freaking things are doing that we install.
I have read about the universal bootloader earlier, but not really how it fits into the n900. It's not so strange that some ppl cannot follow simple guides if noone really explains what's going on.

Probably it's explained somewhere, but I sure haven't found it and I'm tired of clicking through +100 pages in threads with unrelated stuff or with guides for dummies that says "do it this way" but not explaining how it is supposed to work in just basic terms.
Where can I read about the darned boot process?

BTW, the search bar here at is useless junk.
Rant over.
Posts: 87 | Thanked: 46 times | Joined on Nov 2010 @ lisbon, portugal
followed instructions (twice) but boot stuck at "Loading kernel..." line.
I've made the procedure with powerk v48.
any thoughts/help?
erendorn's Avatar
Posts: 738 | Thanked: 983 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ London
Originally Posted by trlopes1974 View Post
followed instructions (twice) but boot stuck at "Loading kernel..." line.
I've made the procedure with powerk v48.
any thoughts/help?
does this work? which instructions did you followed, and were did it exactly fail?

The Following User Says Thank You to erendorn For This Useful Post:
Posts: 87 | Thanked: 46 times | Joined on Nov 2010 @ lisbon, portugal
Just followed your link instructions (wich seem to be the same has on this thread) and the same happens.
Uboot is stuck on "Starting kernel ..." and the led light is on (strong blue).

PS. I have to remove bat to reflash the non-uboot kernel again

Last edited by trlopes1974; 2011-09-07 at 16:12. Reason: PS
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Posts: 738 | Thanked: 983 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ London
yes it's based on this thread and another, as referenced. In one of the thread (this one or the other), it's written that some firmware don't work with the verion of u-boot used here, so maybe it's the case for you :/
Posts: 85 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Apr 2010
im in exactly the same situation boots meego fine , But freezes at loading kernel after trying to add u-boot to kernel 48.

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