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If you're doing lots of remove, clean, purge etc., it's sometimes easier to use cleaN900.
When I had those problems with Samba before, FAM would install other s/w but say it hadn't - bringing up a yellow error msg. The work around to this was click on Clean Cache in FAM then do killall hildon-desktop; not beautiful but fumctional!

It seems that although dkpg and apt show that a problem exists, it also appears that errors aren't derived from either of these in themselves... have you ascertained where the problem lies?
pusak gaoq's Avatar
Posts: 723 | Thanked: 519 times | Joined on Nov 2010 @ Kuching:Malaysia
your problem shouldn't be that messy if you upgraded all before you upgrade libqtm-12....
it looks likes files such as

libavutil49 libavcodec52 libavformat52 libavfilter0 libpostproc51 libswscale0
have messed up all other installations/upgrade on your device....removing is not a gud idea cause some apps/programs might depends on that files...

have you try just

apt-get install --reinstall libavutil49 libavcodec52 libavformat52 libavfilter0 libpostproc51 libswscale0
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These packages are all dependencies of ffmpeg and qmltube. Did you install one, or both, of them?
Those 'Optifying...' -errors may often be solved by creating the file or folder which should be moved by some preinstall script, for example
Optifying usr/share/doc/libavutil49 -> /opt/maemo/usr/share/doc/libavutil49
could be tackled with a gutsy
mkdir /usr/share/doc/libavutil49

The Following User Says Thank You to michaaa62 For This Useful Post:
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Oh snap, I just installed CSSU (after PR1.3.1) and it looks it may have fixed some of the other Qt problems I had before. As for those packages, I followed @pusak gaop's commands, and voilą! All the packages installed and I'm now able to reinstall cuteTube-QML. Thanks a lot guys! <3

// Roth
Posts: 172 | Thanked: 98 times | Joined on Aug 2010 @ Forest of Dean, England.
The only way I resolved...



I then navigated to


and deleted all .bin files

I then navigated to


and deleted the files in there. (not folders)

Then close MC.

in root

apt-get -f install

then reboot

then into xterm again and root

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
N900 @ 1ghz....keeps me warm in winter


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