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Originally Posted by Dave999 View Post
Edit: you intend to keep your moderator rights if elected. Personally I don't want to see moderators in the HF or CC. Don't like when people are both jury, judge and executioner. What's your thought on that?

Btw I think you are an Exellent moderator and would be an excellent council+ier, just not both at the same time
I had brought this topic up at the beginning of the current Council's term

At that time I was told that moderators who are also members of Council/BoD won't be moderating threads related to Council/BoD during their term.

If required, I personally have no issues with giving up my moderator rights if elected to Council for the term I serve in Council

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Originally Posted by thedead1440 View Post
I had brought this topic up at the beginning of the current Council's term

At that time I was told that moderators who are also members of Council/BoD won't be moderating threads related to Council/BoD during their term.

If required, I personally have no issues with giving up my moderator rights if elected to Council for the term I serve in Council
common sense applies. You won't do both ever, executing person and judging person (in same case). And others won't allow you to have a vote when it comes to disussion about your actions. Never heard anything else, anywhere. Like in hide&seek game, you can't be both same time, but nobody will get excluded from either role.
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It would be a waste to lose a good moderator just because of some conflict of interests, imo; not moderating threads in the Community section is a good tradeoff.

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Originally Posted by jalyst View Post
Good progress thus far....
Do we have a "relatively" even balance between old school Maemo & new school Maemo (i.e. Harmattan)?
Or is it some something like 90/10 Freemantle(or older)/Harmattan?
I'd guess you'll have a hard time to find users that are using a Harmattan device, were willing and entiteld to run for a position in a maemo entity, and yet never touched a Fremantle device. So the ballance you're asking for is probably not possible and neither it makes any sense.
We have always had sufficent interest of a sufficient number of body members in new OS. Unlike some of the comments here suggest, council members usually also don't see a "us vs them" situation between different versions of maemo OS. I for one have a N9 and a N950, but i'm not as active in Harmattan as I am and always been in Fremantle, but does that invalidate me for council?
[edit] a bottom line for clarity: council is supposed to care about all maemo versions. Council is the proxy of the maemo community. There's only one maemo community. (and for those still curious: it seems at least 3 of the candidates own a Harmattan device, last time I counted it)

Maemo Community Council member [2012-10, 2013-05, 2013-11, 2014-06 terms]
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Last edited by joerg_rw; 2013-04-23 at 05:49.

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I am honoured to be nominated for the Maemo Community Council and Hildon Foundation Council and I accept the nomination.

The reason that I do accept despite that I have recently said otherwise is because I feel that a vote with many candidates is needed to provide legitimacy to the elected council to take the actions required.

My goal for the next term is to minimize the needless bureaucracy that has made our life difficult the last few months and part of this effort is the combination of the two bodies MCC/HFC into one, as I firmly believe there is no need for two different councils. I will appreciate if you show everybody that this is the community's will by voting identically for both bodies.

Lastly I'd like to point out clearly that I don't believe there is an old school maemo camp nor a harmattan camp here, and I have tried to prove this by sharing my development efforts almost equally to both platforms. There are fremantle users and harmattan users and I am proudly both.

More than anything, I believe I speak on behalf of every candidate, WE WANT YOU TO VOTE regardless of who you're voting for.



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Good to see that we are moving forward. I hope that all candidates will agree for runing in the election and after that we will have a long living community

Thanks to all the people involved in straighting things out. The future is starting to look promissing.
per ardua ad astra

Last edited by fw190; 2013-04-22 at 21:42.

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Originally Posted by joerg_rw View Post
I'd guess you'll have a hard time to find users that are using a Harmattan device, were willing and entiteld to run for a position in a maemo entity, and yet never touched a Fremantle device. So the ballance you're asking for is probably not possible and neither it makes any sense.j
That's not what I was saying....
I'd expect those most qualified who primarily (but not exclusively) use Harmattan, to have (at the very least) dabbled with Freemantle, & vice-versa.
I know that from my own personal experience, & I know it to be true for many other users...

We have always had sufficent interest of a sufficient number of body members in new OS. Unlike some of the comments here suggest, council members usually also don't see a "us vs them" situation between differnet versions of maemo OS. I for one have a N9 and a N950, but i'm not as active in Harmattan as I am and always been in Fremantle, but does that invalidate me for council?
Of course not!

a bottom line for clarity: council is supposed to care about all maemo versions. Council is the proxy of the maemo community. There's only one maemo community. (and for those still curious: it seems at least 3 of the candidates own a Harmattan device, last time I counted it)
This is all "fine & dandy" in theory, but the reality is that people have their favourites*, & they'll generally treat their favourites, well, favourably.
It's basic human nature, we've all seen it time & time again...

I think it's prudent to ensure that we have a fairly even balance (it needn't be strictly 50/50) of nominees that;
(1) use/contribute_to mostly Fremantle & forebears
(2) use/contribute_to mostly Harmattan
Ofc, it's possible there'll be some suitable nominees that use both more-or-less equally, so they wouldn't count towards either camp.

It's nothing to do with "us vs them", it's simply ensuring the entire community's represented in such a way that it avoids potential pitfalls in the future.
Of course, it's possible that there simply isn't enough suitable nominees from one of the camps...
In which case, perhaps an attempt to more widely reach out to the entire community (once more) via a mail-out & TMO PM could be done?
If that fails to inject more of a balance, well we're stuck with the nominees we have, & so we put our faith in that grouping, which I'm sure will be fine.

*usually, but not always

Originally Posted by Kerio View Post
<SNIP>while the community council does indeed speak for the community, the HiFo business is strictly fremantle-only, so it's to be expected that we get more interest from the "old-school" side of the maemo community.
While this may be true, for now, that is most certainly not the longer-term aim/mandate of HiFo.
At least that's not what was intended in it's formative stages, which are still -somewhat- ongoing.
Harmattan & progenitors of Fremantle were to be part HiFo's considerations just as much as Fremantle.

Last edited by jalyst; 2013-04-23 at 07:16. Reason: typo!

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jalyst, we will benefit from more candidates either way. So if you have someone in mind pester him via mail, pm, pigeon, message-in-bottle and smoke signals, you have about 15h to force him to accept

btw, why don't you run?
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What I have seen is the people who have both Fremantle and Harmattan devices mosly prefer the N900 and I really canot blame them for it

However I am content that they do represent the community fairly enough.

The people (like me) who have only ever used Harmattan devices are still green novices in Maemo community and propably should not be nominated for positions of responsibility, not for some years to come IMHO.

elections, pls don't feed, the troll

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