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Originally Posted by Estel View Post
that's the thing requested long time ago many times (and You're definitely right, requesting it again), but for unknown (for me) reasons, was never answered. So, again bugging Council - who have data like this and how/when can we acquire it?
Well, it was reported in the July Council post that downloads are about a million per week. I don't know if there is historical data readily available. There was a large drop-off in Maemo 4 and increase in Fremantle downloads when the N900 was launched. It remains to be seen whether there will be a similar experience when the N9 is launched (N900 had the major change of adding cellular to the tablets that came before it).
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Thanks for info SD69. ho ever, more important (in our current case) would be bandwidth info - we can't calculate and project future bills just having "xxx downloads" info, as bandwidth/ammount of data transferred used.

so, basically, would be great to have peak and average bandwith usage (from, for example, last 6 months), + overall data transferred per month. This way,w e can calculate costs.

I'm sure "someone" got this data. for forum, we should probably bug Reggie, but repos and Wiki?
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The disscussion on here is getting very interesting and a joy to read sometimes even if it is a headache to get over, good posts everyone !.

One thing i do want to point out is while we are facing this closedown situation even by the fact it has been brought up and talked about is going to make people think, oh this community is going down i had better find what i want eslewhere, opinion.

When you have got the answers to what this community IS going to facilitate will be the first step forward that people need to know and relate too instead of a dying community making people have negative thoughts regarding

You all seem to think membership fee is not the way to go but i say that to have a community as big as this one used to be prior to Nokia changes, it will need a dedicated few to keep this going with a reason to do the work needed for it's future.

No better reason than to be paid for your work and IF we had a paid council team rather than a voluntary one, they would be all that more willing to put time and effort into being an actual council that could be available for the members needs etc.

I know from personal experiance that "voluntary organisations" can only florish with paid team/staff members instead of voluntary working for free, the reason i feel that we need a paid council.

Ok now the question is how do we get the funds together to actually pay this team?, what about the million or so downloads per whatever, can anything become of this as this is a lot of downloading going on, such as OVI store charging for downloads?.

My main point is volunteers feel hassled if there workload get's too much where as being paid to do a job makes a person think in a different way alltogether.

Last edited by abill_uk; 2011-08-24 at 03:06.
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Originally Posted by Estel View Post
Thanks for info SD69. ho ever, more important (in our current case) would be bandwidth info - we can't calculate and project future bills just having "xxx downloads" info, as bandwidth/ammount of data transferred used.

so, basically, would be great to have peak and average bandwith usage (from, for example, last 6 months), + overall data transferred per month. This way,w e can calculate costs.

I'm sure "someone" got this data. for forum, we should probably bug Reggie, but repos and Wiki?
Agreed by me, but there are a lot of other things to address before we possibly get to that point.
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I'm starting to feal that this talk won't bring us to a happy end. I'm watching CSSU on gitorious and IRC and it stopped looking good. The CSSU was one of the ways that maemo would live. There ae fewer and fewer developers aroud here and without them how should we move forward? Without devices, developers where does this bring us? Peopple who got their shiny N950 are working on them mainly, but still the N9 and N950 is a dead end. I'm starting to lose all the hope.
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and one more thing. I don't blame the devs for working on other devices. It's their life and their choice. I just want to make a point that we have no hardware anymore and the software side of maemo is getting smaller with every dev going to other projects.
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Originally Posted by IcyMoustache View Post
you are in wrong place, the concept of "free" is the blood of a community like this....
Free as in freedom != free as in beer. Unless you're just here to get 'free stuff'.
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Free might be the wrong word....

I mean, in this world, there are things more important motivating factors than money.... Genius developers like you or MAG, or volunteers like our Council members are not doing this job for money, but the happiness or bonding they feel in a community...

Putting a price tag to that feeling is demeaning in my opinion....

that i believe is the whole fundamental ideal of FOSS - to engage in a hobby that is socially productive in terms of software....

I might not be a developer, but i do spend time here discussing ideas and testing stuff etc. tomorrow should i expect some cents in my bank??

thats why i asked him to stop this discussion, this leads to nowhere....

i hope the above explanation gets into head atleast

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Originally Posted by marxian View Post
Free as in freedom != free as in beer. Unless you're just here to get 'free stuff'.
The "free" mongers of this world are usually hackers and do not pay for any decent software, instead they prefer to "pirate" everything rather than pay for it.

Usually anythng "free" is not worth the paper it is written on.

PS i was actually reffering to a paid COUNCIL if you read my post properly !.

FOSS will never be anything special unless it has a good community behind it, THIS community is winding down and faces the possibility of closure so what does doing everything for free get you in the end of the day ?.

Last edited by abill_uk; 2011-08-24 at 14:20.
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Originally Posted by abill_uk View Post
The "free" mongers of this world are usually hackers and do not pay for any decent software, instead they prefer to "pirate" everything rather than pay for it.

Usually anythng "free" is not worth the paper it is written on.
Wow, what a massive and glorious flamebait.

Equating hacking with piracy and taking a dump on "free" in a single post. You really know your audience. I salute you the mighty Yoda of Trolls.

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