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Shame on me, I did not see that line...sorry.
Thank you, I will try that file now.

Is the sensorsfix also still needed with the latest SFOS version?

edit: worked! Also the sensorsfix

One additional question:

Add nemo to a required group (must have a password set in Settings => Developer Options):

devel-su usermod -G net_bt_stack -a nemo
I used that command with the pw set in dev-options.

Now I start sfdroid but nothing happens. Window starts minimized and is closed few seconds later.

Last edited by F0x123; 2016-12-14 at 12:44.

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Sorry, this happens if you don't update the defconfig file...i'll push the updated defconfig file with the 100hz option to the github repository later.
Good work on building the kernel yourself :-)

EDIT: Updated.


You need to restart SFOS after adding nemo to the bt_stack group.

Some more thoughts about the battery drain problem, i think it has something to do with the fact that the SFOS port is not completely using all of the android functions to suspend unused hardware or even use all the power saving functions, that are you used when using Android alone. For example, listening to audio uses the CPU instead of the Nexus audio DSP. I think there are some more thinks that are not fully working.

Another thing is the CPU usage of many programs. Webcat and Webpirate use much more CPU power when in idle than the stock browser. Many apps don't go to sleep when the phone is suspended. Booster-silica-qt5 wakes the phone up every few seconds and so on...

I don't know if this is the same on Jolla1, i haven't checked it until now.

Last edited by mautz; 2016-12-14 at 12:58.

The Following User Says Thank You to mautz For This Useful Post:
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Yes, thank you. One step further.

Now CM starts booting but is stuck in a loop.

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Originally Posted by F0x123 View Post
Yes, thank you. One step further.

Now CM starts booting but is stuck in a loop.
Did you use the files of the first post in this thread?

You could try
devel-su pkill surfaceflinger
in terminal and start SFdroid again.

The Following User Says Thank You to mautz For This Useful Post:
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I used the latest

All other files like sfdroid, sensorsfix3 and twrp recovery I took from this thread. I skipped the gapps package.

Killing the process and restarting does not change the results.

Last edited by F0x123; 2016-12-14 at 13:34.

The Following User Says Thank You to F0x123 For This Useful Post:
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The problem is the SFOS image, which prevents SFDroid from starting. You need to reinstall using the image image of the first post. You can upgrade to the latest SFOS version afterwards.

The Following User Says Thank You to mautz For This Useful Post:
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ok, thanks. Can I just flash over the existing SFOS or do I have to do a clean reinstall?

The Following User Says Thank You to F0x123 For This Useful Post:
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I would do a clean reinstall.

The Following User Says Thank You to mautz For This Useful Post:
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Hey, sfdroid is running Thank you very much for your support!

Is there any how to for sfdroid.
I am looking for answer for issues like:
How can I start an android app directly from SFOS?
Can I use paid apps from google play?
Can I use whatsapp and get push notifications?

And also how can I update SFOS to the latest version? System update tells me the version is the latest, which is not true...

Last edited by F0x123; 2016-12-14 at 17:04.

The Following User Says Thank You to F0x123 For This Useful Post:
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Originally Posted by F0x123 View Post
Hey, sfdroid is running Thank you very much for your support!
How can I start an android app directly from SFOS? you can't
Can I use whatsapp and get push notofocations? no
Maybe are functions that could be implemented in future, if there's someone still working on it.

The Following User Says Thank You to claustn For This Useful Post:

hammerhead, nexus5, sailfishos, sfdroid

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