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When I have not been able to log-in, it was not a redirection problem. I got the login page, had some credentials to enter and a button to click. Either the button was not visible in the browser, clicking it had not result or clicking it had the wrong results. I changed microB settings to "allow pop-ups", which helped once, but not the other times.

My conclusion is that the html code of the login web page is buggy. In China, the problem may have been that microB did not support the right character encoding.

Of course, there are plenty of other login pages where I enter the credentials, click a button and it works.
Posts: 225 | Thanked: 81 times | Joined on Apr 2008
I'm having a problem with hotel wireless also right now. Laptop is connecting fine, although connection is sometimes pretty slow.

I'm using Firefox on the laptop and able to load pages. There is no login page, but when I first opened a page in the browser I saw that it said it was being redirected...but then the page I requested loaded.

On my N800 (with OS 2008) it sees and connects to the wireless network...but I can't ever load a page.

Any help? I've only had my tablet for a day, and now am away on business for a week. Was really hoping to load this up with maps, pdfs, and email for my time away.

P.S. My laptop has bluetooth, can I use that to share the hotel internet connection if I can's get it working another way. Or can I use the USB cable to download Maps and other content to the N800?

Edit 2: I see in this thread that it should be possible to setup via bluetooth...but it also appears to be fairly in depth, and I don't have much free time to try and experiment this week. Hopefully I can figure out another way to connect over the week.

Last edited by dylanemcgregor; 2008-05-04 at 23:53.
Posts: 477 | Thanked: 118 times | Joined on Dec 2005 @ Munich, Germany
In the settings for the browser, you have options about "automatic redirection", popups and cookies. Maybe you could try to see if they help.

Using the USB cable to copy data works, of course. Much faster than bluetooth.

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Same problem here:-(
OTOH,it works with my N82!
Posts: 883 | Thanked: 980 times | Joined on Jul 2007 @ Bern, Switzerland
I was partially able to resolve my problems, however I never got it completely running (was on holiday there, didn't want to spend ALL my time with the gadgets...) on my N810. I'm posting my first steps to the solution, perhaps it might help someone else or a linux crack can chime in and explain:
The Hotel uses IACbox (rebranded as Siemens Internet for Guests), which is a Linux-based access control system. The IACbox support FAQ mentions that some Linux distros (evidently Maemo being one of them) are unable to "set a hostroute if multiple network cards are in use" (???). In then points out that to resolve this, one needs to act as "root" (gainroot, becomeroot, sudo whatever, I did ssh to localhost...) and then add an additional route/gw (
I took these instructions and "translated" them to Maemo, resulting in something like:
route add default wlan0
route add -net netmask wlan0
route add default gw
After this, I was able to finally access the login page of the system and authenticate myself (each Guest gets a user/pw that is valid for the duration of his stay).
Unfortunately, I was still only able to access the unprotected "free" sites, as something with the redirection didn't seem to work (I got some "out of memory / not enough memory for this operation to complete" errors from MicroB, perhaps a javascript issue).

My questions:
  • Why are many distros unable to do this? (Rant: Is Linux still not ready for the desktop and mobile environments? OSX and Windows do work properly...)
  • Shall I file this on the Maemo Bugzilla?
  • Anybody with an idea about the error in MicroB?

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Posts: 1,137 | Thanked: 402 times | Joined on Sep 2007 @ Catalunya
Originally Posted by twaelti View Post
The Hotel uses IACbox (rebranded as Siemens Internet for Guests)
That's the problem: everything touched by siemens is either sh*t to begin with or it'll turn to sh*t anyway
(at least that's been my experience in almost 20 years of being forced to profesionally use their stuff....the problem is that their competitors in my field are even worse )
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Hi All;

Does someone has a solution for the problem.

I just bought a NOKIA N 810 and installed OS 2008 on it.
The problem when I go to Starbucks, I can not get the login page.
(No redirection).
The same with unsecured WIFI that need the user just to click. on "I agree with terms and conditions". No redirection page.

I Bookmarked the ebay site ( which is different than the NOKIA home page), after getting connected to ATTWIFI ==> From Nokia N810 Menu : go to Bookmarks then Ebay but it's not working (the login page still not showing).

Any Help will be appreciative.
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Start a browser, open menu/tools/settings/connection and check that redirection is ticked. (NB: That's on OS2007, the path to the setting could be slightly different on OS2008 but it should be there somewhere)
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-- Current state: Fed up with everything MeeGo.
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Thanks for the quick replay.
Yes I have automatic redirection page checked


Tools ==> Setting :
home page address file://localhost/usr/share/browser/home_page/index.html
use default home page: CHECKED
Enable automatic redirection: CHECKED.
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I cleared the browser CACHE , password and HISTORY. Make connection to attwifi (at starbucks).
From web Menu : Bookmarks ==> then Ebay .THIS TIME it tried to load the login page BUT I got "Javascript Probe " Error with blank page.

Any ideas.

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