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Originally Posted by verumgero View Post
That's a good term. I knew a guy at college who was from Joliet IL and he would always tell people he was from Chicago. I was like "Dude! You live like an hour from Chicago." And he would say "But who the hell knows where Joliet is anyways?" And then I was all " . . . I know where Joliet is." That was about it really.

Where did Bousch go anyways?
i can't stand it when people from joliet / plainfield say they're from chicago.

*technically* i don't live in chicago, but i can walk 12 blocks from my house and be in the city.

thats close enough for me to say i'm from chicago.
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Originally Posted by TrueJournals View Post
And, yes, saying "Chicago" is a LOT easier than saying tthe town, then taking five minutes to explain where that is :P
Did you mean 5 minutes or 5 words?

"40 miles southwest of Chicago"

What do you say for the next 4:55?

Sorry, but my mom was born and raised in Joliet, so busting your balls seemed mandatory.

I don't know the Chicago area that well, and the few times I've been I really haven't been sober, but I always get tingles when I hear someone say they live "near Wrigley." Good times.
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Originally Posted by verumgero View Post
That's a good term. I knew a guy at college who was from Joliet IL and he would always tell people he was from Chicago. I was like "Dude! You live like an hour from Chicago." And he would say "But who the hell knows where Joliet is anyways?" And then I was all " . . . I know where Joliet is." That was about it really.

Where did Bousch go anyways?
I was out drinking too much...After that, sleeping too much. And now I have to work all week again. As I said, useless.

Cheers, Bousch
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Originally Posted by sjgadsby View Post
I'm not surprised; you've been in that car driving forever.
Well, I'm driving from Raleigh, NC to Finland. Takes a while.
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